Paper Code: 
CHSC 614
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Understand the changing socio-economic environment and its impact on consumer behavior.
  2. Discuss conflicts and consensus in society and its underlying reasons.
  3. Strengthen the financial management practices for wise consumer behavior.
  4. Develop an understanding of the types of markets, changing concepts of markets, changes in socio-economic environment, and marketing strategies from consumer’s perspective.

Course outcomes


Learning and teaching strategies




The students will be able to -

CO268:Examine the changing socio-economic environment and family trends/set up.

CO269:Construct the content analysis

CO270:Assess the underlying reasons of conflicts and consensus in society.

CO271:Assessing the changing socio-economic environment by quotingvarious case studies.

CO272:Develop questionnaires for field surveys.

CO273:Organize, interpret and analyze the trends of growth and development of economic sectors

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical


Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects



Part 1 Practical
Changing families & relating in society.
Individuals facing Conflicts and consensus in society.
Changing status and roles in varied spaces in family, work the elderly and its implication
on the individual and society across cultures.
Experiences of exclusion on the individual: caste, minority, disability, violence,
Immigration, Religion and Culture
Case studies, narratives, films, fieldtrips to different regions, communities like tribal,
rural, urban
Part II Practical
Field Visit (to do the comparative economic studies)
Case Studies related to current economic issues (Developmental and Environmental)
Data interpretation and analysis (to see the trends of growth and development of certain
sectors or vice versa.)
Essential Readings: 
1. Sociology: Principles Of Sociology With An Introduction To Social Thoughts P 2019 Rao C.N. Shankar. S. Chand Publishers
2. Contemporary Sociology: An Introduction to Concepts and Theories  2014 M. Francis Abraham Oxford University Press.
3. Rawat, H.K. (2007). Sociolgy: Basic concepts. New Delhi: Rawat Publications.
4. Ahuja H.L., 2010, Modern Micro Economics. Sultan Chand & sons
5. Dhingra IC and Garg VK, 2010, Introductory Economic Theory. Sultan Chand & Sons 
6. Mishra &Puri, Recent edition 2014, Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House.
Suggested readings:
Das, V. (Ed.) (2003) The Oxford companion to sociology and social anthropology:volume 1 and 2.New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Johnson, M.H. (2001). Sociology: A systematic introduction. New Delhi: Allied Publishers Limited.
Rawat, H.K. (2007). Sociolgy: Basic concepts. New Delhi: Rawat Publications.
Dhingra IC and Garg VK, 2010, Introductory Economic Theory. Sultan Chand & Sons
Mithani D.M., 2010 New Edition, Macro-Economics. Himalaya Publishing House
Sundaram K.P.M., 2010, Introduction to Economics. RatanPrakashan


e- resources:
INSPIRA- Journal of Modern Management & Entrepreneurship
Journal of Entrepreneurship
Academic Year: