Paper Code: 
HFN 128
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to –


  1. Understand the nuances of scientific writing; develop skills in collation and presentation of scientific information
  2. Understand Research Design.

Course Learning Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title






HFN 128











The students will be able to –

COFN30: Demonstrate knowledge of scientific writing method and styles

COFN31 :Develop a research design on a topic relevant to their field

COFN32. Prepare a systematic literature review on a select topic

COFN33: Present a seminar of the literature review



Approach in teaching:

Orient students  about the nuances of technical writing styles

Work on  deciding a topic for Seminar

Guide how to collect Review of  literature

Preparation of a document based on it.


Learning activities for the students:

Review  of old seminar documents and  their analysis

Watch videos on Seminars

Collate the reviews collected for the seminar

Seminar Presentation preparation


CA and

Semester End Examination to assess Review of literature document by seminar committee, Presentation, Discussions, Plagiarism test done of final document




Unit I: 

Report writing, presentation and viva voice of the seminar based on contemporary issues in the field of nutrition.


Academic Year: