Residential Architecture And Interior Enrichment (Practical)

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This course will enable the students to

  • Understand the basic units of measurements, scales and drawings.
  • Develop housing plans for different economic sections.
  • Understand the furniture layout in different rooms according to the principles of   design.



  1. Metric Projections: Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique.
  2. Orthographic projections: Plans, elevations and sections.
  3. Orthographic and metric projections of furniture, eg. Table, Chair, Bed, Sofa, etc.
  4. Perspective projections: Cone of vision, station point and one point perspective of objects
  5. Draw house plans for -          LIG, MIG, HIG
  6. Introduction to concept of Landscaping
  7. Furniture layout in accordance with principles of design- drawing room, dinning room, master’s bedroom, children’s bedroom and kitchen. 
  8. Market survey of floorings, furnishing, wall paintings, furniture, toilet-fitting, chandeliers, decorative lights etc.
  9. Make models for different units of a house- Master’s bedroom, drawing room, dinning room, children’s bedroom and kitchen. 


Essential Readings: 

1.      Agan, Tessie (latest edition): The house its plan and use, New York, J.B. Lippincott.

2.      Gandotra, Veena and Patel, Sarjoo (latest edition): Housing for Family Living, Dominant Publishers and Distributers, New Delhi.

3.      Rao Raja, Subranayan Y.T.N. (latest edition): Planning of Residential Buildings, New Delhi: standard publishers.

4.      Seetharaman Premavathy and Pannu Parveen (latest edition): Interior Design and Decoration. CBS Publishers and Distribitors, New Delhi

5.       Sharma Nirija (latest edition): Home Management. Publishers Murari Lal & Sons, New Delhi

Academic Year: