Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

1. Familiarize the students with the process of research with focus on clothing and textiles.

2. Train the students on all steps of research process from problem identification to data  dissemination

3. Develop skills in conducting a research study and learn the process of writing a dissertation thesis

4. Train students to gain an insight into ethics in scientific publication

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




Research Project II

COCT403: Know the practical aspects of collecting data 

COCT404: Evaluate, select and use appropriate strategies for analysis and presentation of data collected during research process

COCT405: Suitably illustrate data/ insights using various graphical and other methods

COCT406: Contribute effectively in course specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Lectures, Discussions, Self directed: Read journal articles, books to collate information on related  topic


Learning activities for the students:

Self learningassignments, Effective questions, Presentations, Field work/ experimental work

CA Test, Semester End Examination, Power Point Presentations,

Successful defence of original research work, 

Preparation of a manuscript for submission to a peer-reviewed journal,

plagiarism check and ethical clearance


Unit I: 
  • Conduction of innovative and fruitful research in fields of various clothing and textiles. The research project can be done in the fields of traditional textiles, art and craft, weaving, dyeing and printing, Sustainable Fashion, Marketing of Sustainable Fashion Brands, Creative Pattern Making, Textile and Apparel Industry and Fast Fashion.  It should enrich the existing stock of knowledge of students related to clothing and textiles. Delving into fashion/textiles research opens a world of exploration, from the dazzling allure of high fashion and iconic designers to the critical issues of sustainability and ethical production practices.
  • Evaluation (CA): Based on Interaction with the supervisor, attendance, Library work, Internet Browsing and Preparation of the Dissertation Report
Academic Year: