Paper Code: 
HFN 141
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

• To know the significance of research methodology and application of statistics in Home Science
• To understand the types, tools and methods of research and develop the ability to construct data gathering instruments appropriate to the research design
• To understand the implications of statistical parameters in drawing inferences of research

Unit I: 

• Research:
a) Meaning,
b) Definition,
c) Methodology,
d) Research process, Criterion of good research
• Types of Research:
a) Fundamental or Basic
b) Applied
c) Historical, Descriptive
d) Analytical quantitative
e) Qualitative
f) Conceptual Experimental
g) Case study
• Research Design
a) Meaning
b) Concepts, need
c) Designs for different types of research; library
d) Laboratory and field research; Advantages of Designing Research
• Research Problem and Developing Research proposal:
a) Selection of research area and topic
b) statement of the research problem, its scope
c) Steps involved in defining the problem.
• Literature Search:
a) Reviewing related literature
b) Referencing, abstracting
c) Computer search
d) Bibliography
e) Evaluation of the problem
• Defining concepts:
a) Objectives
b) Basic assumptions
c) Delimitations and limitations of the problem
d) Statement of Hypothesis

Unit II: 

• Variables:
a) Independent and dependent variables
b) Qualitative and quantitative variables
c) Discrete and continuous variables
d) Confounding variables
e) Methods of controlling variables
f) Measurement of variables.
• Sampling:
a) Meaning
b) Characteristics of a good sample design
c) Steps in sampling design
d) Types
e) Advantages
• Techniques of Data Collection:
a) Primary data; Questionnaire
b) Schedules
c) Interview observation & other methods
d) Secondary data
e) Reliability
f) Suitability & Adequacy of data.
• Processing and Analysis of Data:
a) Processing Operations
b) Editing
c) Coding,
d) Classification and tabulation of data
e) Elements of Data Analysis Role of statistics in Data Analysis
f) Statistical Tables
• Report writing:
a) Types
b) Format of writing the report

Unit III: 

• Probability:
a) Probability
b) Basic Aspects
c) Probability of combination of events
d) Probability of random variables
e) Distribution of random variable
• Statistical Methods:
a) Measures of Central tendency- Mean,
b) Median, Mode
c) Arithmetic
d) Geometric and Harmonic mean.
• Common Distribution functions:
a) Binomial probability distribution
b) Poisson distribution and normal distribution curve.
• Measures of Dispersion:
a) Range
b) Mean Deviation
c) Variance
d) Standard Deviation
e) Coefficient of variation
• Regression and Correlation:
a) Least square method of fitting a regression line
b) Curvilinear regression
c) Correlation methods
d) Correlation coefficient.

Unit IV: 

• Sampling Distribution and Standard Error:
a) Elements of Testing a Statistical Hypothesis
b) Formulation of the problem, Types of errors
c) Level of significance
d) Large sample tests for proportions
e) Single mean and difference in two means.
• Small sample tests:
a) Application of t- test for testing the significance of single mean & difference in two means (independent and paired-t).
• Chi-square test for testing normal population variance:
a) Test for goodness of fit
b) Independence of attributes using 2x2 and rx c contingency tables.
• Definitions of F test
a) Application of F test for testing of equality of two variances.

Unit V: 

Experimental design:
a) Completer random design
b) Random Block Design
c) Latin square design
• Analysis of Variance:
a) Concept
b) Assumptions
c) Basic idea of one way and two way classification with simple questions.

Essential Readings: 

• Allen, R.G.D.(1958) Statistics for Economics, London: Allen & Unwin.
• Aberth Oliver, Precise Numerical Methods using C++.
• Agarwal, J.C. (1989) Educational Research – An Introduction, New Delhi: Arya Book Depot.
• Agrawal, B.L., Basic statistics, New Delhi: New Age publishers.
• Ahuja Ram (2006) Research Methods, Jaipur: Rawat Publication
• Anderson T.W. An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Publication Ltd.
• Bernad Oste and Mensing R.W. (1975) Statistics in Research Ames: The Lowa State University Press.
• Best John W. and Kahn, James V. (2006) Research in Education, NEW Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
• Best, J.W. (1989) Research in Education, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.
• Bose, Pradip Kumar (1995) Research Methodology, New Delhi:ICSSR
• Burns, Robert B.(2000) Introduction to Research Methods, New Delhi; Sage publications.
• Campbell, R. C. (1989) Statistics for Biologist, Cambridge University Press.
• Chandra, S.S. and Sharma, R.K., Research in Education, New Delhi: Atlantis Publishers.
• Gupta, S.P.: Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand and Company, New Delhi.
• Elhane,D.N.: Fundamentals of Statistics, Kitab Mahal,Allahbad.
• Agarwal, J.C.: Educationl Research- An Introduction, Arya Book Depot, New Delhi.
• Chadra, S.S. and Sharma, R.K.: Research in Education, Atlantis Publishers, New Delhi.
• Shukla,M.C. and Gulshan S.S.: Statistics Theory and Practice, Sultan Chand and Company, New Delhi.
• Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor V.K.: Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand and Company, New Delhi
• Kothari, C.R. (1989) Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, Bangalore: Wiley Eastern.
• Mahalanobis, P.G., Experiments in Statistical sampling, Calcutta: ISI.
• Maron, J.Melvin, Numerical Analysis a Practical Approach, New York. Macmillion Publishing Co.
• Peatman, J.G., Descriptive and sampling Statistics.
• Reddy, C.R., Research Methodology in social sciences, New Delhi: Daya Publishing House.
• Rosander, A.C.(1965) Elements of Probability and Principles of Statistics, Calcutta: East West Press.
• Sarvavanavel, P.(2003) Research Methodology, Allahabad; Kitab Mahal.
• Saxena H.C., Finite difference and numerical analysis, New Delhi, S Chand & Co.
• Shanlla K.R. (2002) Research Methodology, New Delhi: National Publishing House.

Academic Year: