Recent Trends in ECE Curriculum (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Describe Curriculum Planning, elements & features of early childhood education Curriculum
  2. Critically appreciate different Contemporary Models & Approaches  to Curriculum Planning and select the appropriate which is meaningful for children in the foundational years
  3. Able to critically evaluate the National Curriculum Framework for Foundation Stage, 2022
  4. Design and implement developmentally appropriate curriculum for language & Literacy at Foundation stage.
  5. Design and implement developmentally appropriate curriculum for Mathematics and world around us at Foundation stage.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code

Course Title

24CEFE 301

Recent Trend in  ECE Curriculum





CO21: Identify the essential features,  elements & issues in ECE curriculum and  explain the curriculum from the perspective of

developmental psychology and developmental milestones

CO22: Analyze the National curriculum framework for foundation stage.

CO23: Apply the key features of contemporary Models & Approaches to Curriculum Planning in planning the curriculum.

CO24: Create age and developmentally appropriate  curriculum  for developing language and literacy skills in children at foundation stage

CO25: Create age and developmentally appropriate  curriculum  for developing Mathematics skills in children & make them aware about the world around us at foundation stage

CO26: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Interactive lectures. Presentations, content analysis


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning, assignments, presentations


Critically analyze the

theories and present (Pair activity),

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Presentation


Unit I: 
Elements & Features of Curriculum

Elements and its inter relatedness- Goals, content, pedagogy, assessment,

Guiding principles of Pre-School:

birth to three years: focus on care and stimulation,

three to six years: focus on care, early learning and readiness, suggestive developmentally appropriate

Curricular issues and concerns: handle variations in learning, multilingualism inclusion, manage multi-age grouping, ensure and encourage gender equality, harms of early formal instruction, preparing ECCE teachers/caregivers

Features of curriculum : age , developmentally & culturally appropriate.


Unit II: 
National Curriculum Framework for Foundation Stage

From aims to learning Outcome

Curricular Goals

Linkage to preparatory stage-from foundation stage - Panchkosh

Literacy & Numeracy at foundation stage


Unit III: 
Contemporary Models & Approaches to Curriculum Planning

Panchkosh Model, Montessori Model, Reggio Emilia,  Waldorf School

Behaviorist, Constructivist, Cognitive Oriented Curriculum

Project Approach

Thematic Curriculum

Toy-based Curriculum


Unit IV: 
Curriculum for Language and Literacy

Introduction to Language Skills

Components of early language and literacy- (emergent literacy skills, oral language development, phonological awareness, decoding, reading with comprehension, fluent reading, writing, developing a desire or habit of reading), print recognition, understanding, pictures and books, and introducing the alphabet

Planning strategies to enabling reading and writing

Creating a language learning environment


Unit V: 
Curriculum for mathematics and World around us

Understanding  space number and its relations, basic Mathematical operations, shapes and spatial understanding, patterns, measurement and data handling,

Pre-number skills: comparison, seriation, classification, sorting, shapes, space and position patterns and relationships, estimation, prediction, concept of money, number and operations, counting, one to one correspondence, quantity, comparison of sets,

Learning to Add & subtract

Developing Conceptual Knowledge and Values in Children

The Curricular Area included in‘The World Around Us’


Essential Readings: 

Mishra R.C. , 2005; Early Childhood care & education, A.P.H. publishing Corporation , New Delhi-110 002

Mangal, S. K. and Shubhra' Mangal (2019), Creating an Inclusive School, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Geva M. Blenkin and A. V. Kelly (2002), Early Childhood Education a developmental curriculum, Paul Chaoman Publishing Ltd.

Wortham, S.C. (2010) Early childhood curriculum: Developmental bases for learning and teaching. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

Kaul, V. & Bhatnagar, R. Early Childhood Education: A Trainers’ Handbook. New Delhi: NCERT



Suggested Readings:

Smith, J. A., & Patel, R. K. (2021). Innovations in Early Childhood Education: A Comprehensive Guide. Academic Press.

Gordon, A. M., & Browne, K. W. (2010). Beginnings and Beyond: Foundations in Early Childhood Education (8th edition). Wadsworth Pub Co

NCERT. (2017). Learning Outcomes at the Elementary Stage

G. Pankajam (2005), Pre-Primary education Philosophy and Practice, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.

Nido Early School.(2017). Project-Based Learning in Early Learning centers


National Curriculum Framework for foundation stage, 2022. Available at

Introduction to Early childhood curriculum in India available at

Reference Journals

European Early Childhood Education Research available at

Early Childhood Education Journal available at




Academic Year: