Paper Code: 
HFN 324
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students  to understand:

  • Basic Principles for planning and preparing low cost nutritious dishes for vulnerable groups.
  • Simple techniques of assessment of nutritional status.
  • Critical evaluation of a nutrition and health programme.
  • Common food adulterants and techniques to detect them.
  • Organization of a nutrition education activity.
  • Computer application in imparting nutrition and health education.


  • Development, Organoleptic evaluation and calculation of  nutritive value of low cost recipes for vulnerable sections of society considering the dual burden of malnutrition.
  • Pregnancy and Lactation
  • Infancy
  • Childhood
  • Adolescence
  • Elderly
  • An overview of Ongoing Public Health and Nutrition program and report writing
  • Formulation of Intervention plan Template
  • Preparation of Intervention summary
  • Community analysis
  • Problem analysis
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Determinant analysis
  • Mandates for action
  • Capacity analysis
  • Establishment of intervention governance structure
  • Formulation of goals and objective
  • Intervention research
  • Development and implementation of strategies
  • Evaluation of plan
Essential Readings: 
  1. Jean A.S. Ritchie, 1967, Learning Better Nutrition; Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Rome.
  2. Gopalan C. and Kaur H., Towards Better Nutrition “Problems and Policies”. NFI; Special Publication Series No. 9.
  3. Swaminathan M., Principles of Nutrition and Dietetics. Ed. 2.Bangalore. BAPPCO. 1986.
  4. Swaminathan M., 1974,Essentials of Foods and Nutrition, vol. 1&2; Second Edition. Madras. Ganesh,
  5. Francis E.Johmstom, Nutritional Anthropology, Publisher; Alan R.Liss Inc., New York.
  6. Vital Statistics of India: Office of the Registrar General, India, Ministry of Home-Affairs : GOI, New Delhi.
  7. Economic Survey, GOI, Ministry of Finance; Economic Division.
  8. Bamji Rao and Reddy, Textbook of Human Nutrition, Publisher: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
  9. Beaton and Bengoa; 1976, Nutrition in Preventive Medicine. World Health Organization, Geneva
  10. Berg A., 1973, The Nutrition Factor – Its Role in national Development; Publisher – The Brookings Institution 105.
  11. National Plan of Action 1995–FNB, DWCD, MHRD.
  12. 1995, National Plan of Action –FNB, DWCD, MHRD.
  13. 1993, National Nutrition Policy – GOI, DWCD, MHRD.
  14. Jacob T. Food Adulteration. 1976. Delhi, Macmillan, Adulteration.
  15. Gibson R. Principles of Nutritional Assessment. 1990. Oxford University.
  16. Shukla P.K. Nutritional Problems of India. 1982.





  1. Park J E and park K. 2009,Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine; Edition: 20th, Jabalpur. Banarsidas Bhanot..
  2. Jelliffe and jelliffe 1989, Assessment of Nutritional Status in the Community.
  3. Gopalan C, Combating Undernutrition, Nutrition Foundation of India; Special Publication Series 3. Vir Chander Sheila. 2011. Public Health Nutrition in Developing Countries Part I & II. Woodhead Publishing India.
  4. Hughes R and Margetts M.B. 2011. Practical Public Health Nutrition. Wiley- Blackwell.
  5. Nnakwe E.N. 2013. Community Nutrition Planning Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Second Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  6. Measuring Change in Nutritional Status1983: World Health Organization. Geneva.
Academic Year: