Paper Code: 
DHSC 512 (A)
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To develop low cost nutritious recipes

To assess the nutritional status of the different population groups

To develop nutrition and health education for various vulnerable groups

1. Planning of low cost nutritious recipes for infants, preschoolers, pregnant/nursing mothers for

nutrition education.

2. Assessment of nutritional status:

· Anthropometry – weight and height measurements

· Plotting and interpretation of growth charts for children below 5 years

· Identification of clinical signs of common nutritional disorders

· Dietary assessment – FFQ and 24 hour diet recall

3. Planning and conducting a food demonstration.

4. Visit to an ongoing nutrition and health promotion programme.

Essential Readings: 

· Wadhwa A and Sharma S (2003). Nutrition in the Community-A Textbook. Elite

Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

· Park K (2011). Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, 21st Edition. M/s

Banarasidas Bhanot Publishers, Jabalpur, India.

· Bamji MS, Krishnaswamy K and Brahmam GNV (Eds) (2009). Textbook of Human

Nutrition, 3rd edition. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

· ICMR (1989) Nutritive Value of Indian Foods. National Institute of Nutrition, Indian

Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad.

· ICMR (2011) Dietary Guidelines for Indians – A Manual. National Institute of Nutrition,

Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad.

· Jelliffe DB, Jelliffe ERP, Zerfas A and Neumann CG (1989). Community Nutritional

Assessment with special reference to less technically developed countries. Oxford

University Press. Oxford.

· World Health Organization (2006). WHO Child Growth Standards: Methods and

development: Length/height-for-age, weight-for-age, weight-for-length, weight-forheight

and body mass index-for-age (

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