Product Formulation

Paper Code: 
FSQ 331
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To develop ability to use sensory evaluation as an analytical tool
  • To make students aware of food packaging functions
  • To enable students to develop new food products and entrepreneurial abilities


Unit I: 
  • Quality evaluation of food –                                                           
    • Subjective methods
    • Objective methods


Unit II: 
  • Fundamental rules for scoring and grading                                       

Procedure of grading                                                                                        

  1. Panel selection
  2. Screening and training of judges
  3. Requirement of sensory evaluation
  4. Factors influencing sensory measurement
  • Ranking, scoring and Hedonic scale
Unit III: 
  • Entrepreneurship, plant location, investment, financing of project         


Unit IV: 
  • Food Packaging:                                                                                
  • Objectives,
  • Basic packaging material and their protective quality,
  • Effect of packaging on nutritive value of foods.                                                                                   
Unit V: 
  • Shelf life studies
  • Biochemical tests
  • Nutritional analysis
  • Organoleptic tests
  • Microbial Analysis


Essential Readings: 
  1. Rheology  & texture in Food Quality.  Deman, Voisey and Rasper, AVI Publishing Co. Wespot C.T. (1976)
  2. Food Structure – Its creation and evaluation.  Blanshard, Hutton & Walters.  Butterworths, Lonodon (1989)
  3. Physical Properties of Food (Jowitt, Esher, Kent, Rogues, Elssevier Applied Science, London & New York (1987)
  1. Fundamentals of  Quality Control for Food Industry – 3rd Ed. Vol. 1, Kramer A & Twigg B.A AVI Publishing Co.. Westpot C.T
  2. Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Foods.  Amerine, Pangborn and Roessler Academic Press New York (1965)
  3. Developments in Food Analysis Techniques  Vol. 2. Brannan J.G. Elsvier Applied Science Publisher London (1980)
  4. Food Analysis – Theory & Practice 3rd Edition. Pomeranz & Clifton E. Meloan, CBS Publishers & Distributors (1996)
  5. Guidelines for Sensory Analysis in Food Product Developemnt and Quality  Control. Lyon, Francombe, Hasdell & Lawson.  Chapman & Hall New York (1992)
  6. Quality Assurance of  Food : Ingredients Processing & Distribution : Foods & Nutrition Press, Westpot C.T. (1988)
Academic Year: