Paper Code: 
DHSC 512 (B)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Understand the administrative and management structure of different types of Early Childhood Centers
  2. Create lesson plan for overall development of children.
  3. Apply skill to develop teaching aids suitable for early childhood years
  4. Create a blue print foe early childhood center

Course outcomes


Learning and teaching strategies




The students will be able to –

CO223:Examine and select the theories to understand Human development.

CO224:Examine the psychoanalytic and psychosocial theories and their implications in personality

CO225:Compare the cognitive learning and intelligence theories and their application

CO226:Appraise the knowledge of Humanistic and contextual theories and their application.

CO227:Develop the strategies to apply culture specific and eclectic approach indealing with clients during counselling

Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Demonstration,  Field Trip, Curriculum planning,  presentations


Learning activities for the students:

Field activities, Planning and conducting activities, developing materials

Planning and Executing activities, CONTENTS development, Report writing




Visits to various early childhood centers, : Day Care centre, Aanganwadi, crèche and Montessori and NGO run preschool etc. Write Report of the visit.
Daily/Weekly/Monthly programmeplanning for holistic development of children
Plan and execute an activity with the help of suitable teaching aids for Motor/ Social/Cognitive/Language development for early childhood
Planning of a parent - teacher meeting/BalSabha/Bal Mela
Prepare a literature for children of early childhood years
School Readiness: Preparation of  material for pre writing, prereading and prearitematic.
Essential Readings: 
Mishra R.C. , 2005; Early Childhood care & education, A.P.H. publishing Corporation , New Delhi-110 002
Mangal, S. K. and Shubhra' Mangal (2019), Creating an Inclusive School, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 
Geva M. Blenkin and A. V. Kelly (2002), Early Childhood Education a developmental curriculum, Paul Chaoman Publishing Ltd. 
G. Pankajam (2005), Pre-Primary education Philosophy and Practice, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi. 
Mohanti and Mohanti (1996), Early Childhood Care and Education, New Delhi, Deep and DeepPublication
S. Vekataiah (2004), Child Education, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 7. R. C. Mishra (2009), Early childhood care and Education, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation 
Aparajitha Chowdhury and Rita Chowdhury (2002), Pre- School Children Development car and Education, New age International Publishers.
M.Sen Gupta, 2013; Early Childhood Care & Education. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
Kaul. V e-book on Early childhood and school readiness in India available at
Academic Year: