Prenatal Care & Infant Development (Theory)

Paper Code: 
H.Sc- 203
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

  1. Understand the development during prenatal  period and infancy .
  2. Understand the methods of studying humans in various age groups.


Unit I: 
Pre Natal Development and care .
  1. Genes and chromosomes, conception.
  2. Signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
  3. Stages of pre natal development.
  4. Care of expectant mother.
  5. Overview of birth process.
  6. Birth complications.
  7. Environmental and hereditary factors influencing prenatal development , genetic diseases, hazards during prenatal period- signals and remedial measures. Genetic Counselling.


Unit II: 
Care of Neonate (0 to 4 Weeks)
  1. Normal new born and premature- Characteristics, problems of premature infant.
  2. Post natal care of mother and child- minor ailments.
  3. Reflexes in new born and their importance.
  4. Adjustments of neonate.
  5. Capabilities of neonate.
  6. Immunization schedule- essential and non essential vaccines.


Unit III: 
Infancy (0-2 years)
  1. Developmental tasks and milestones of infancy
  2. Physical and motor development, factors influencing infant’s development.
  3. Language development- Components of language, acquisition of language ability, prelinguistic and linguistic speech, Motherese, factors affecting language development.


Unit IV: 
Socio-emotional Development- Concept of socialization
  1. Theories of socio- emotional development (one each)
  2. Classification of emotions and their development in infancy.
  3. Early Stimulation- Meaning and importance, methods of early stimulation.
  4. Stages of infant attachment, stranger anxiety.
  5. Cognitive development- information processing system, basic concepts- life, death, causality, birth, bodily functions, germs, weight, number, time, money, self.


Unit V: 
Methods of Human Study

Observations, interviews, questionnaires, experimental methods, projective techniques, clinical approach, sociometric techniques,  standardized tests longitudinal and cross sectional survey and case studies- Types, method of conduction, merits and  demerits 

  1. Hurlock, E.B., Child Development McGraw Hill, New York 1988.
  2. Subash C. Arya, Infant and child care for Indian Mothers. Vikas Publishers, Delhi 1972.
  3. Devadas, R.P. and Jaya. N. Text Book of child development McMillan and Co., 1981.
  4. Gosh, S. The feeling and care of infants and young children UNICEF, New Delhi 1976.
  5. Banerjee B.G. (1987), Child Development and Socialization, Deep and Deep Publications
  6. Berk, L.E (1995) Child Development, London: Allyn and Bacon
  7. Gupta (1991) Speaking of Child Care, Everything you wanted to know (II Ed.), New Delhi, Sterling Publishers
  8. Newman and Newman,Infancy and childhood-Development and its context.john Wiley,1978.
  9. Illingsworth,R.S. The development of the Infant and Young child.Churchill and Livingstone,1975.
  10. Berk, L.E (9th Edition) Child Development, London: Allyn and Bacon
  11. John W. Santrock, Children, Sixth Edition, Mc Graw Hill


Academic Year: