Practical in Child Development

Paper Code: 
ECE 133
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the student to-

  • Assess the development in childhood and adolescence.

        Plan program and activities for children and adolescents

  1. Visits to early childhood centers and  Aanganwadi centers- observation and report writing.
  2. Presentation based debate on the comparative merits and demerits of different approaches related to ECCE.
  3. Prepare a case study of a child
  4. Planning Daily/Weekly activity plan for children and executing any one activity
  5. Planning and Preparing teaching aids and materials for teaching children
  6. School readiness: Prepare Worksheets and cards for 3R’s concepts.
  7. Prepare materials for toddlers for  their visual, auditory and motor stimulation e.g. rattles, mobiles, toys making sound, cloth books, finger games, jingles, soft toys, blocks.
  8. Interview parents of 5 children and find out the Child rearing styles and discuss in class to come up with the what kind of socio- emotional development will take place depending on the style.
  9. Market survey of toys/games/literature for children.
Essential Readings: 
  1. Hurlock, E.B., Child Development McGraw Hill, New York 1988.
  2. Subash C. Arya, Infant and child care for Indian Mothers. Vikas Publishers, Delhi 1972.
  3. Devadas, R.P. and Jaya. N. Text Book of child development McMullan and Co., 1981.
  4. Gosh, S. The feeling and care of infants and young children UNICEF, New Delhi 1976
Academic Year: