Physical Sciences

Paper Code: 
CHSC 513
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 

Amino acids                                                                                                                                       

  • Structure and classification, peptide linkage, zwitter ion, Ninhydrin test, Sangers test
  • Protein structure – Levels of organization – primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure;
  • Denaturation of proteins.
  • Enzyme and Concept of Lock & Key and Induced Fit Theory.


Food packaging                                 

  • Packaging: concept, significance and function
  • Classification of packaging materials (flexible packages, rigid packages and retail or shipping containers)
  • Interactions between packing and food (toxicity hazards),
  • Biodegradable materials and environmental issues.
Unit II: 

Carbohydrates : Definition and Classification

  • Monosaccharides: Fisher’s structure of aldoses and ketoses, ring structure of sugars (Haworth’s projection): α-glucose, β- glucose and fructose
  • Anomers and Epimers- Definition and examples
  • Reduction of sugars
  • Reducing properties of sugars
  • Disaccharides : Formation of sucrose, lactose and maltose
  • Reducing and non reducing disaccharides
  • Polysaccharides :Definition of homo and hetropolysaccharides
  • Structure and function of starch and cellulose
Unit III: 

Household Equipment and Consumer Awareness          

·         Motorized equipments: Vacuum cleaners, Clothes washing machine, Food processors.              

·          Heating appliances: Electric irons, Electric water heaters.

·          Solar Energy and its applications. 

·         Cooling appliances: Refrigeration and air conditioning, Various types of Refrigerators, air conditioners and air coolers.

·         Guarantee and warranty of all household equipments, Precautions while using equipments and servicing of equipment used. 

Unit IV: 


  • Generation and efficient transmission of electricity.
  • Safety features in household electric wiring – fuse, MCB, Earthing, 
  • Lighting fixtures in the home – Incandesent lamp, Fluorescent tube, CFL, LED, Halogen  lamp. 

    Sound and Light                 

  • Knowledge of sound, echo and their uses.
  •  Lenses- convex and concave, focal length, aperture, aberrations
  •  Elementary knowledge of Radio- AM and FM
Unit V: 

Modern Physics and Electronics               

  • Semi Conductors – Concept of Transistor and its applications   
  • Geostationary satellites (definition and application)
  • Radioactivity – concept and application, Nuclear Energy.
  •  Concept of Laser and its applications

Biophysical Techniques                   

  • Basic principles of electromagnetic radiation: Energy, wavelength, wave numbers and frequency.
  • Basic Knowledge of: X-Rays
  • Harmful effect of radiations.
Essential Readings: 
  • Morrison, R. T. and Boyd, R. N., Organic Chemistry, (2001), 7th edition, Prentice Hall.
  • Graham Solomon, T.W. Organic chemistry 10th Ed. (2009) John Wiley and sons,Inc.
  •  Voet, D and Voet,J, Principles of Biochemistry,4th edition(2011) by John wiley and sons.
  • Nelson,  D.L.  and  Cox, M.M.,  Lehninger's  principles  of  Biochemistry,  6th edition,(2012) W.H. Freeman.
  • P.C. Jain, Monika Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai Publications (1979)
  • Berg,  J.  M.,  Tymoczko,  J.L.  and  Stryer,  L.  (2012). Biochemistry  7th Ed.,  W.  H. Freeman
  • Household Physics (2012), Claude H. Brechner, Hardpress.
  • Applied Photography Optics, 3rd Edition, Sidney E. Ray, Focal Press 2002.  
  • Modern Physics, Murugeshan, S. Chand and Co., 2002. 
  • Engineering Physics: Fundamentals and modern applications, P. Khare and A. Swarup, Jones and Barlett Publishers, 2010.
  • Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6th edition (2006), D.A. Skooget. al., Saunders College Publishing.
  • Murugeshan, Modern Physics, S. Chand and Co., 2002.  
  • Bhatia, K.B., Elements of Electrical Gadgets, Arya Book Depot, 1993.
  • Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6th edition (2006), D.A. Skooget. al., Saunders College Publishing. 
  • Practical Organic Chemistry by Vogel A. I., Orient Longmans Limited. 
  • Ahluwalia, V. K., Dhingra, S., Gulati, A., College Practical Chemistry, University Press (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2005)
  • B.Sc. Practical Chemistry by P. L. Soni and S. C. Jain, Sultan Chand and Sons (1978). 
  • College Practical Physics by Khanna and Gulati, S. Chand and Co., (1999)





Academic Year: