Pattern Development & Draping (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to-

  • To develop an understanding of basic skills and knowledge of draping
  • To acquire knowledge and understanding of to obtain patterns for different styles of bodices, skirts and dresses
  • To be able to analyze and interpret the fit related problems in draping.
Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcomes                      (at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title

24DHCT 811

Pattern Development & Draping (Theory)

CO373: Classify and compare the various methods of pattern making

CO374: Explain the process of preparation of dress form and fabric for draping

CO375:Discuss the process of draping basic bodice block front/back on dress form

CO376:Analyze and understand industrial tools, equipments and machines used in Apparel Industry

CO377:Discuss the way of draping for various figure types and common fitting problems and remedies

CO378: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in Teaching:

Discussion, Interactive Lectures, PowerPoint Presentation

Learning Activities for the Students:

Self-Learning Assignments

Quiz, PowerPoint Presentations, Chart/Poster Presentation, Individual and Group Projects, Semester End Examination



Unit I: 
Pattern Development
  • Clothing concepts: Ease type and amount in different garment, Dart: importance and types
  • General principles of clothing construction: Methods of pattern development: Drafting, Flat pattern making, Draping. Kinds of paper pattern- blocks, commercial pattern Pattern information, marking symbols.
Unit II: 
  • Draping equipments
  • Study of Grain
  • Study of Dress forms
  • Preparation of dress forms for draping
  • Preparation of muslin for Draping-Tearing, blocking, pressing
Unit III: 
Draping Basic Bodice Block
  • Study of preparation of muslin for draping for basic bodice
  • Draping steps
  • Marking
  • Trueing
  • Method of draping of front body
Unit IV: 
Industrial sewing machines, tools and equipment
  • Industrial machines
  • Spreading, cutting, sewing, work aids, pressing and finishing
Unit V: 
Fit related problems and introduction to draping
  • Figure types-draping for various figure types               
  • Factors affecting fit in draping
  • Common fitting problems in draping and remedies
Essential Readings: 
  1. Rosenau, J. A., Wilson David L. David. (2006), Apparel Merchandising-The line starts here, Fairchild publications, New York.
  2. Donnellan John (1999), Merchandise buying & management, Fairchild publication, New York.
  3. Stone, Elanie & Samples, Jean. (2015), Fashion Merchandising, McGraw Hill, New York.
  4. Stephens, Frings Gini (2008), Fashion Concept to Consumer, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall International, New Jersey.
  5. Nirupama, Pundir (2007), Fashion Technology-Today and Tommorow, Mittal publications, New      Delhi.
  1. Jackson, Tim & Shaw, David (2008), Fashion buying & merchandising management, Palgrave Macmillan publisher, London.
  2. Pradhan Swapana (2012), Retailing Management: Text and Cases, McGraw Hill Education; 4 editions.
  3. Kaneez. F. & Sheikh. A. (2011), Retail Management, Himalayan Books
  4. Burns, Leslie. Davis & Bryant. (2005), The Business of Fashion, Fairchild Publication, New York.
Academic Year: