Organization and Management of Early Childhood Education

Paper Code: 
ECE 231
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the student to-

  • Gain information about entrepreneurship in ECE.
  • Understand the significance of maintaining records of children‘s growth and progress as necessary for mapping and assessing their developmental patterns.
  • Understand procedures of maintaining school accounts, preparing bills, maintaining records and registers and using them meaningfully.
  • Select,use and maintain toys, books and other equipments for pre-schoolers
  • Plan and design space for children‘s learning, participation and free movement.
  • Develop skills of involving the community in the organization and functioning of the ECE centre.
Unit I: 
Institutions for ECE
  1. Institutions catering services to the needs of children- Early childhood centers, Aanganwadi, crèches, day care, special schools.
  1. Decisions on philosophy and approach (Montessori, Kindergarten, Aanganwadi, Day care) and developing the curriculum for diverse needs
  1. Decisions on various aspects at the stage of planning a blue print for ECCE Centre-Identifying Local needs, Source of fund raising and community involvement, Budgetting and Mapping resources, teacher-child ratio.
Unit II: 
Location and Infrastructure
  1. Identification of Location- Easy accessibility, Cleanliness and hygiene, Safety and Security, Barrier Free.
  2. Infrastructure/physical facilities- Indoor & Outdoor Facilities, Beautification of school premises
  3. Inclusive Barrier Free environment/infrastructure
  4. Designing of space as source of learning and interaction; flexible space for individual, small group and large group activities, floor space , storage space, space for display and orientation to engage in self directed tasks
  5.  Safety of ECCE Centre- Disaster Management- Familiarity with first-aid, fire drills and display of pictures and material for dealing with emergencies
Unit III: 
Equipments and materials
  1. Type of Equipments and Learning Materials- Indoor & Outdoor Equipments
  2. Selection of Equipments and Learning Materials
  3. Allocation of Equipment and Materials
  4. Maintenance, replacement and Utilization of Equipments and Learning Materials
  5. Mapping agencies for children‟s materials, books, toys and outdoor resources, Use of local resources for development of play materials
Unit IV: 
Recruitment of ECCE Personnel & Records and register
  1. Types of ECCE personnel
  1. Criteria for Selection of Staff- Educational & professional Qualification of supervisor, teacher/day-care worker, supportive staff/helpers
  1. Need for maintaining different kinds of records such as child related, teacher related and material related records
  1. Registers for attendance, admission, fees, teachers and other financial matters,
  1. Records of monitoring and regulating children‟s growth and development such as health, anecdotal and cumulative records
  1. Developing systems and schedules for observing and recording children‟s responses with daily/weekly diaries
Unit V: 
Supervision and parents and community involvement
  1. Supervisory procedures, Quality control: Internal and external evaluations.
  2. Need and importance of orienting and working with parents
  3. Methods of making contacts-
  1. Informal meeting, group and individual meetings.
  2. Parent and toy library
  3. Home visit
  4. workshop/ demonstration centers
  5. Parent-teacher association
  6. Written and printed materials
  1. Need for and relevance of community involvement.
  2. Mapping and Mobilization of community resources and their utilization.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Fine Marvin J. Eds (1980), Hand Book on Parent Education, Academic press, Inc.
  2. Kulkarni S.S. (1988), Parent Education: Perspectives of approaches.
  3. Mohanti and Mohanti (1996), Early Childhood Care and Education, New Delhi, Deep and DeepPublication
  4. Brothy,J.E.Good,T.L.andNedler,S.L.Teaching in Preschool Harper and Raw,1975.
  5. Spodek,B.Hand book of Research in Early childhood education Collier Macmillan,1982.
  7. Grassman B.D.and Keyes C.Early childhood  Administration. Allyn and Bacon Inc.Toronto, 1985.
  8. Muralidharan,N.The systems of preschool education in India.Indian Association for preschool Education,1968.
  9. Lowenfeld V.,Brittain,Labert,W.Creative and Mental Growth collien MacMillan,1982.
Academic Year: