Paper Code: 
HHD 223
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to :

  • Understand the consideration for selecting a location for ECCE centre.
  • Apply the effective and efficient ways of maintaining and utilizing indoor and outdoor space.
  • Execute and categorize different types of equipments and learning materials for ECCE centre.
  • Understand different aspects of staff management at ECCE centre.
  • Apply the ways to monitor and supervise the work of ECCE workers.


Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HHD 223

Organization and management of early childhood centers


Student will be able to –


COHD46: Organize the different criteria for selecting location and building infrastructure for ECCE canter.

COHD47:Develop knowledge of availability, selection and use of equipment and materials in multiple ways for ECCE centre.

COHD48:Develop knowledge and apply the skills  while selecting  human resources for ECCE centre

COHD49:Describe the knowledge of inclusion policy and will get skill in supervision and monitoring of ECCE centre


Approaches in Teaching:  Lecture & discussion specific to areas ,Audio visual resources,Power Point Presentation,



Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, Examine select readings

Quiz. PPT, Group projects, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.


Unit I: 
Concept of ECCE centre, Location & Infrastructure


  1. Planning an ECCE centre : Identification of local needs, nature of services, Location
  2. Infrastructure/physical facilities-Building & its beautification, aesthetics, cleanliness,  safety and approach ,water facility, toilet facility, outdoor facilities, Indoor facilities, Safety (Disaster Management and First- aid facility)
  3. Renting space and procuring space for ECCE center
Unit II: 
Equipments & Materials



a)      Type of Equipments and Learning Materials- Indoor & outdoor equipment

b)      Selection of Equipments and Learning Materials-Age appropriateness, multiple uses, adequacy, variety, safety, diversity & natural

c)      Allocation of learning materials- Action corner, storage space

d)      Utilization & maintenance of Equipments and Learning Materials

Unit III: 
Human Resource Management


  1. Types of ECCE personnel
  2. Role& quality of  ECCE personnel
  3. Criteria for Selection of Staff
  4. Teacher-child ratio
  5. Need and importance of in-service training


Unit IV: 
Maintenance of records& Finance in ECE settings



  1. Records &  Registers : Need and Importance
  2. Records : Monitoring and regulating children‘s growth such as health, anecdotal and cumulative records, Daily /weekly diaries
  3. Registers:  Attendance, Admission, fees, library, stock, teachers and other financial matters.
  4. Budgeting and Accounting
Unit V: 
Inclusion& supervision of ECCE centre


  1. Respecting diversity
  2. Inclusion of children with disability  in an  ECCE.
  3. Fund  raising for ECCE centre- Grant-in-aid from the government, donations, Organize materials and stationary donation camp, Volunteerism, renting out the space
  4. Supervision and monitoring of ECCE centre
Essential Readings: 
  1. Singh, A. (1995). Playing to Learn: A training manual for Early Childhood Education. M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation.
  2. Combs, B. (2011) Assessing and Addressing Literacy Needs. New York: Sage Global
  3. Aubrey, C. (2011) Leading and Managing in the Early Years. New York: Sage Global
  4. White, J. ( 2011) Outdoor Provision In the Early Years. New York : Sage Global
  5. Knight, S (2011) Risk and Adventure in Early Years Outdoor Play. New York : Sage Global
Academic Year: