Paper Code: 
CND 302
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This course will enable the students

• To acquire knowledge regarding effect of various diseases on nutritional status

• To gain an understanding of the nutrient and dietary requirements of different diseases.



  1. Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)
  2. Team approach of health care.
  3. Dietitian – types, qualities, qualifications and role of dietitian in management of

hospital diet

  1. Basic concepts of diet therapy – Therapeutic adaptations of normal diet
  2. Routine Hospital diets – Regular, soft, fluid
  3. Special feeding methods (enteral, parental), feeding the patients and psychology of feeding.
  4. Meaning, aim, principles, scope and types of diet counseling
  5. Roles and responsibilities of counselors



  1. Classification, metabolism and diet in fevers (acute & chronic)
  2. HIV infection and AIDS: Epidemiology, transmission of HIV, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, Immunity and AIDS virus, dietary management, prevention and control.



  1. Incidence, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, complications and dietary management  and counseling for the following GIT diseases


  • Diarrhea (acute and chronic), constipation ( atonic and spastic)
  • Peptic ulcer, ulcerative Colitis, Malabsorption Syndrome Carbohydrate and Fat intolerance – Sprue, Celiac disease



  1. Incidence, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, complications and dietary management and counseling for the following diseases
  • Liver disease –Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Hepatic Coma, liver transplant
  • Diseases of Pancreas and Gall bladder


  1. Incidence, etiology, pathology and metabolic aberrations, clinical manifestations,               complications and dietary management and counseling for Heart diseases
  • Cardiovascular diseases – Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension, Coronary Heart                           diseases


Essential Readings: 
  1. Robinson C.H., Lawler M.R. ‘Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition’. Macmillan Publishing Company. 17th Edition. 1986.


  1. Shils, M.E. and Young V.R. (vi edition 1988) Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. Bombay K.M. Varghese Company
  2. Antia, F.P. (1989) Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition. Oxford University Press, Bombay
  3. Passmore, P. and M.A. Eastwook. (1986). Human Nutrition and Dietetics. ELBS, Churchill, Livingstone, 8 Edition
  4. Mahan, L.K. & Ecott-Stump, S. (2000) : Krause’s Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy. W.B. Saunders Pvt. Ltd.
  5. Sharma rekha (2004) Diet Management. Elsevier Publication
  6. Some Therapeutic Diets. NIN. ICMR Publications
  7. Raghuram T C, Pasricha S, Sharma R D. Diet & Diabetes NIN ICMR Publications
  8. Krishnaswamy Kamala. Diet & Heart Disease. NIN ICMR Publications


Academic Year: