Lifestyle Management

Paper Code: 
CND 601
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable students

  • To identify the lifestyle  dynamics
  • To promote health through lifestyle modifications
Unit I: 

1.      Introduction to lifestyle and wellness

Definition and  importance

2.      Lifestyle dynamics and their effect on health

·         Lack of physical activity

·         Stress

·         Tension

·         Alcohol

·         Smoking

Unit II: 

1.      Concept of lifestyle management and health promoting and damaging behavior

2.      Role of nutritionist in lifestyle management

3.      Principles of diet counseling in respect to  lifestyle management

4.      Essentials of Health Care Public Relations for nutritionist


Unit III: 
  1.  Lifestyle management through
  • Physical activity
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Dietary modification



Unit IV: 

1.      Health effects  and dependency assessment

·         Alcohol

·         Smoking

·         Drugs

·         Paan ,tobacco

2.       Stress management

Unit V: 
  1. Lifestyle management for rehabilitation for
  • Cardiac care
  • Renal  care
  • Cancer care
  1. Lifestyle management for rehabilitation for
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Diabetes



Essential Readings: 
  1. Lifestyle Management in Health and Social Care. Miranda Thew Jim McKenna .Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (2008)
  2. Concepts and skills for practical dietetics. Edited by Bhaskarachay, Rao and Rao.IDA, Hyderabad  (2010).
  3. Ananda, Sri 1989.The Complete Book of Yoga. New Delhi : Orient paperbacks
  1. Coleman,(Dr.) Vernon. 1998 Stress Management Techiniques. Bombay: IBH Publishers
  2. Taub A Edward MD . The Wellness Rx New Jersey, Prientice Hall 1994
  3. Stephen R. Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  4. Richard Carlson, Stop Thinking, Start Living: Discover Lifelong Happiness
  5. Charles Clark, The New High Protein Diet: How to Lose Fat the Quicker, Safer, Easier Way - And Never Go Hungry



Academic Year: