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This course will enable the students to :

  •  To enable the students to know about the problems, psychology & behavior of adulthood & aging. 
  •  To understand the changes in attitude in  life span.
  • To understand d the importance of healthy communication and its impact on 

              mental health .

  1. Types of age- biological, economic, socio- psychological, functional.
  2. Biological theories of aging- cellular clock theory, free- radical theory, mitochondrial theory, hormonal stress.
  3. Developmental tasks.
  4. Adult stereotyping

Early adulthood-

  1. Physical, social, personality development.
  2. Changing trends in interests, values and priorities..
  3. Roles and responsibilities towards marriage, parenthood and child rearing, occupation and economy in context of sex and culture.
  4. Smoking, alcohol and health- Disease model of addiction, life process model of addiction.

Middle adulthood-

  1.  Menopause/ perimenopause, psycho- social adjustment.
  2.  Midlife crisis, climacteric and sarcopenia. 
  3.  Adult sexuality.
  4.  Health and common diseases.
  5.  Planning for retirement- Companionship, finance, leisure time.
  1. Late adulthood and old age-
  2. Theoretical Perspectives of Aging – Disengagement theory, activity theory, Human Development theory, Continuity theory, Age Stratification theory, Labeling theory
  3. Growth & diversity in older population
  4. Impact of aging on Biological/Physiological aspects; Psychological, Economic, Social and Spiritual aspects,
  5. Health Challenges and Care – physical, psychological, social problems, Factors influencing on health status and care required for aged
  1. Family pattern, Changing roles and the aging family-conjugal, Husband-wife relations, sexual adjustment; marital adjustment; Intergenerational family relations-Grand parenthood, Widowhood/Singlehood; Alternative life styles, Remarriage in later years


  1. Work, Leisure and retirement patterns – Work-meaning of work, individual motivation; Leisure; Retirement – benefits, Attitude towards retirement; Poverty, poor health retirement and suicide; abandonment, liberation and diachronic solidarity
  2. Attitude towards death in life span, bereavement, Causes/ stages of death.
  3. Hospice/ palliative care.
Essential Readings: 
  1. Baron,R.A.,Byrne,D.and Kantswitz B.M. Understanding   Behaviour,Holt,Rinehart,1980.
  2. Stott,Leland,H.The Psychology of Human Development, MacMillan Co,1978.
  3. Vatsayayan, Developmental Psychology. Kedar Nath Ram Nath Delhi
  4. Papalia,Diane E.;Olds,Sally Wendkos; Feldman,Ruth Duskin(2004). Human Development ,ninth edition,Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited,New Delhi
Academic Year: