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This course will enable the students to :

  • Understand the developmental milestones and transition from childhood to  adolescence.
  • Understand problems of childhood and adolescence.
  • Understand changing trends in childhood and adolescence.

Introduction to Childhood


  1. Characteristics and developmental milestones of childhood stage
  2. Factors influencing on physical, motor, social, emotional, cognitive and language development. Hazards of Early childhood
  3. Emotional development- development of positive and negative emotions, influencing factors. Social and moral development- Growth trends, antecedent influences-cultures and class.
  4.  Childhood sexuality- Masculinity, femininity and androgyny; effects of sex typing
  5. Functions of  family, school and community in growth of children during childhood.
  6. Factors effecting Growth and Health in early childhood- Heredity, Environment, Nutrition, Emotional Well Being, Diseases & Injuries
  7. Peer Relationship in early childhood

Middle and Late Childhood

  1. Developmental milestones of Middle & Late childhood
  2. Personality development- Self concept, self esteem, factors influencing personality.
  3. School achievement , role of rewards and punishment.
  4. Information processing in Middle childhood- Attention, Theory of Mind, Memory, Self Regulation
  5. Burning issues affecting children’s personality- Orphan, adoption, divorce, single parenthood, remarriage, illegitimacy, battered mother/ child, sexual abuse, violence, drugs,  academic and career stress - problems and solutions.
  6. Children’s help lines- functions.
  7. Hazards/common problems of  Middle and Late childhood
  8. Sex typing in Middle childhood


  1. Physical  & behavioral changes- menarche, spermarche, growth spurt and their psychological impacts.
  2. Gender differences, interests, sexuality, sex education, changes in social behavior, development of emotional maturity, obsession with body and physical appearance.
  3. Social and emotional development- family, peers, parents, interpersonal relations, emotional competence, conflict  with authority, fantasies, obsession, Infatuation, love, early sex, early marriage.
  4. Identity statuses, factors affecting identity formation


  1. Problems of youth- Education, career, home, parents, health, opportunities stress and conflicts.

Adolescent relationships                                                                                        

  1. Family relationships: in nuclear, extended & joint families
  2. Peer relationships: identity formation, knowing one’s strengths & weaknesses
  3. Relationships beyond the family and peers -Dating scripts- Proactive, reactive.
  4. Attachment to parents- Dismissing avoidant attachment, preoccupied ambivalent, unresolved disorganized.



Risk in adolescence                                                                                                      


  1. Risks in adolescence- Suicide, depression, delinquency, violence, aggression, substance  abuse, perverted sex, rape, sexual abuse, STD-  Prevention, intervention, treatment and rehabilitation
  2. Skills and techniques for self improvement and achievement.
  3. Changing trends in behavior, attitude, aspiration, achievement, sexuality, career.
  4. Hazards of adolescence.


  1. Researches in childhood and adolescence- areas and future.
Essential Readings: 

Books Recommended:


1. Dworetzky, J. P. (1981). Introduction to child development St. Paul, Minnesota: WestPub. Co.

2. Jangira, N.K.; Ahuja, A.; Kaur, C. & Sibia, A. (1990). Functional assessment guide: A handbook for primary teachers. New Delhi: NCERT.

3. Kuroyanagi, Tetsuko (19 ). Totto-chan: The little girl at the window.

4. Baron,R.A.,Byrne,D.and Kantswitz B.M. Understanding Behaviour,Holt,Rinehart,1980.

5. Rogers,W.The Psychology of Adolescence,Prentice Hall,1976.

6. Pedinnus,G.R. and Johnson. R.C. Child and Adolescent Psychology,John Wiley,1975.

7. Rice,Philip,F.The Adolescent:Development,Relationships and culture,Allyn and Bacon,1981.

8. Chaube S.P.Adolescent Psychology,vikas publishers,1983.

9. Stott,Leland,H.The Psychology of Human Development,MacMillan Co,1978.

1o. Berk,Laura E. (Third edition). Infants,Children and Adolescents.

Academic Year: