Paper Code: 
HHD 227
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to :

·             Understand the role of statistics  and computer applications in research.

·              Apply statistical techniques to research data for analyzing and interpreting data carefully.

Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HHD 227

Life span development-II- Adolescence and Adulthood


Student will be able to –

COHD65: Demonstrate knowledge of  various problems and conflicts during adolescence

COHD66: Explain the role that sexuality, alcoholism and substance abuse play in adolescent development

COHD67: Engage in  focused discussion on issues of adulthood.

COHD68: Plan and execute the recreational activity for adolescent and adult.

COHD69: Create an awareness among adolescent and adult regarding issues and health concerns.

COH70: Paradigm the case study to understand adolescent.

Approaches in Teaching:  Interactive Lectures, Brain storming sessions, Power Point Presentation,



Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, Examine select readings, Read journal, articles and books.

Quiz. PPT, Group/individual PPT on domains and concepts, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.




1. Formulation of questionnaire to assess adolescent problem sand conflicts

2. Survey on Adolescents’ attitude towards Sexuality/Alcoholic and Substance abuse

3. Planning guidance and counseling programme for various problems of adolescents

4. Case profile of an adolescent with behavior problem

5. Preparation of interview schedule for adults taking into account their developmental tasks

6. Organizing interactive session and focus group discussions on significant issues of adulthood

7. Preparation of questionnaire regarding health problems of menopausal women

8. Plan a recreational activity  for elderly people.

9. Visit to old age home

Essential Readings: 

Books Recommended

·         Berk, Laura E. (1993).  Infants, Children and Adolescents, Third edition

·         Diane E. Papalia (2004), Human Development,Ninth Edition, McGrawHillElizabeth B. Hurlock, Developmental psychology-A life span Approach,5thedition,McGraw Hill

·         Sharma, N. (2009). Understanding Adolescence, New Delhi: National Book Trust.

·         Rice, F. P. (2007). Adolescent: Development, Relationships and Culture.

·         Santrock, J. W. (2010). Life Span Development: A Topical Approach, New Delhi: TataMcGraw Hill

  1. Thiagarajan, S. & Semmel, M.I. (undated). Instructional development for training
    teachers of exceptional children: Module 5 How to develop structured role-play
    materials. Bloomimgton: Center for Innovation in Teaching the handicapped Indiana University.
  2. Bhatia, J.: Athavale, S. & Acharekar, D.Y. (1997). Party games: Exciting step by step    games for children. Mumbai: Navneet.
  3. Kripalani, S. (undated). Fun games for parties and all occasions.: Author
  4. Jellicoe, Ann. (1987). Community plays: How to put them on. London: Methuen.
  5. Newson, J. & Newson, E. (1979). Toys and playthings: A practical guide for parents and  teachers. New York: Pantheon Books
Academic Year: