Paper Code: 
HHD 123
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
This course will enable the students to:
o Understand genetic foundation of life & prenatal development.
o Understand care of neonate, their capabilities and assessment
o Know the developmental milestones and development during infancy
o Understand development during childhood and factors influencing the development

Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HHD 123

Life span development – I Prenatal and childhood


Student will be able to –


COHD10: Demonstrate knowledge of developmental changes, stages, birth process of prenatal stage


COHD11: Examine  the care of neonate and mother in detail and understand the techniques of assessment of newborn.


COHD12: Interpret  the development ,immunization schedule and importance of infant stimulation.


COHD13: Formulate the knowledge of milestones, various developments and meaning of gender roles and typing during early childhood years.


COHD14: Define the developmental changes during late childhood and recognize the importance of parent, child and sibling relationship.


Approaches in Teaching:  Lecture & discussion specific to areas, Charts Power Point Presentation, Invited expert speakers on select areas



Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, Read journal articles, books

Quiz. Classroom presentation and discussions, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.


Unit I: 
Prenatal Stage (Conception – Birth)


a)   Physiological, psychological and  hormonal changes during pregnancy

b)   Stages of prenatal development, prenatal environmental Influences and Teratogens.

c)   Complications during pregnancy and child birth.

d)  Birth process-methods of childbirth(Medication, Natural & Prepared )

e)   Birth process-methods of delivery, uses of analgesia, anesthesia, oxytoxics.

f)    Care of mother during pregnancy

Unit II: 
Neonate (Birth-4 weeks)
  1. Care of new born and mother after delivery
  2. Prematurity – Preterm, small for date and its impact on future development of the child
  3. Assessment of newborn- APGAR scale, Brazelton neonatal behavioral assessment scale (NBAS), NNNS
  4. Newborn reflexes
  5. Sensory and perceptual capabilities
  6. The sleep / wake cycle- REM, NREM.
  7. Massage therapy of infants, kangaroo care and bonding.
Unit III: 
Development in Infancy (4 weeks-2 yrs)
  1. Milestones in development and developmental delay
  2. Immunization schedule
  3. Physical development-Growth of Brain, Sensory capacities
  4.  Motor Development- fine and gross motor skills
  5. Emotional & Social development - Primary and self conscious emotions, temperament & child rearing
  6. Cognitive development during infancy (Piaget sensori-motor Stage)
  7. Language development- tracing language development during first two years.
  8. Psychosocial development-Emotions, Temperament, Attachment, Social relationships
  9. Infant Stimulation
Unit IV: 
Early Childhood (2-7 yrs)


  1. Milestones in development and developmental delay
  2. Physical growth  and motor skills: Body growth, brain development and perceptual development
  3. Cognitive development in early childhood-  Piaget (Pre-operational stage)and Vygotskytheory
  4. Language development-Vocabulary,speech , and private speech during 3-6 years
  5. Socio-Emotional development -  Foundation of self (Erikson -Initiative versus Guilt), Self understanding& others, emotional self-regulation, empathy, Parenting & Family Relationships  
  6. Gender roles & gender typing
Unit V: 
Late Childhood (7-12yrs)
  1. Milestones in development and developmental delay
  2. Body growth -body size & proportion, skeletal growth, brain development
  3. New motor capacities & organized games with rules
  4. Operational thoughts, Information processing in late childhood & individual difference
  5. Emotional development - development of self-concept & self esteem
  6. Language Development
  7. Parent-child relationship, sibling & impact of maternal employment
  8. Moral Development-Kohlberg stages
  9.  Peer relationship-Friendship
  10. Bullying, aggression, adjustments to school
Essential Readings: 
  • Berk, L. E. (2007). Development through the lifespan. Delhi: Pearson Education.
  • Rice. F. P. (1998). Human Development: A lifespan approach. New Jersey: Prentice  a. Hall.
  • Santrock, J. W. (2007). A topical approach to life-span development. New Delhi: Tata  a. McGraw- Hill.
  • Singh, A. (Ed). 2015. Foundations of Human Development: A life span approach. New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan.
  • Berk, L.E (1995) Child Development, London: Allyn and Bacon
  • Gupta (1991) Speaking of Child Care, Everything you wanted to know (II Ed.), New Delhi, Sterling Publishers
  • Hurlock, E.B., Child Development McGraw Hill, New York 1988.
    Child Development
    • Childhood Education
    • Disabilities and Impairments
    • Developmental Psychology
    • Indian Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation
Academic Year: