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This course will enable the students to

  • The importance of life skill education in the life of youth.
  • To understand the various methods of enhancing life skills.
  • To learn adaptive and positive behavior to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.
Unit I: 
Concept and Meaning of life skills
  • Definitions, concept and need of life skills education.
  • Importance in daily living; Criteria for using life skills.
  • Evolution of Life Skills
  • Core Life Skills- classification and components


Unit II: 
Components for Planning & Organizing Life Skills Programs
  • Understanding group characteristics and needs – Understanding Life skills in context of  contextual specificities and   Self components critical thinking gender cultural ideologies  skills, decision making skills, interpersonal communication skills, coping with stress and emotions; self- management skills, etc.
  • Importance of communication in imparting life skills education-Aspects to develop social potentials (effective listening, speaking, building and maintaining relationships, understanding group dynamics and functioning in groups, delegating responsibilities)
Unit III: 
Core Approaches and Strategies to Implement Life Skills Program
  • Understanding and developing self-skills/potential: self-awareness, self-esteem self- confidence, creative thinking, interpersonal skills, etc.
  • Use of participatory techniques and methods: Individual exercises, Group activities, games etc.
  • Communicating with the audience: receiving feedback, handling questions, etc.
Unit IV: 
Organizing a Life Skills Program
  • Planning a need based viable life skills program (select components)
  • Determining the purpose, collecting materials, organizing content.
  • Getting prepared for the presentation: psychological level
  • Delivering the presentation
  •  Methods for enhancing life skills
Unit V: 
Life Skills and Youth Empowerment
  • Youth demographics in India and role in society
  • Challenges of adolescence and youth development
  • Formal and Non formal approaches to youth development
  • Positive Youth Development

Methods and areas of empowerment

Essential Readings: 
  • Agochiya D. 2010, life competencies for adolescents. Training manual for facilitators, teachers and parents. Sage Publications
  • Dakar Framework for Action,(2000).Education for All: Meeting our Collective Commitments, Dakar, Senegal
  • Peace Corps, OPATS.2001, Life Skills Manual. 62
Academic Year: