Introduction To Guidance And Counseling ( Theory )

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This course will enable the students to :

  • Understand the basic concept of counseling and guidance.
  • Know various techniques in counseling and guidance.
  • Understand various problems in children which require guidance.
  • Know different therapies of counseling.
Unit I: 
Introduction and techniques of counseling


  1. Definition and meaning of Guidance and Counselling
  2. Difference between Guidance and Counselling
  3. Meaning, aims, principles and scope.
  4. Techniques of counseling- Directive, non- directive, eclectic, behavioral, rapport technique, questioning, listening, reflection, acceptance, silence, leading, reassurance, non- verbal behavior, terminating  skills, structuring the process, optimal concern, recording counseling process.
  5. Types of counseling - Individual, group, marriage and family, child career, vocational guidance.
Unit II: 
Client characteristics and Guidance Types



  1. Client- Characteristics, age, sex, cultural expectations.
  2. Essential guidance Types-Educational, Vocational, Personal, Economic.
  3. Placement- Educational, vocational.
  4. Follow- up- After leaving institution.
Unit III: 
Process of counseling



     a) Process of counseling

i)Stage- 1- Problem exploration and clarification.

  1. Stage- 2- Developing new perspectives and setting goals.
  2. Stage- 3- Implementation and evaluation.
  1. Qualities and Skills of counselor.
  2. Individual and group ethics in counseling .
Unit IV: 
Theories/Approaches to Counselling and Therapy


a)Counseling therapies-Client-Centered Therapy , Cognitive Behaviour therapy (CBT), Rational- Emotive Behaviour therapy (REBT), Transactional Analysis

b) Special and Innovative approaches with children: Play therapy, Music therapy, Art therapy,Psychodrama.

Unit V: 
Counselling children with various problems

                                         12 Hrs


  1. Counseling children with specific problems- Children of divorced/ step/ single/ unwed parents, children from  alcoholic, abusing families, latch- key / homeless children.


  1. Counseling children with anti- social attitude- verbal and physical abusiveness, tantrums, swearing, lying, stealing, teasing, cruelty towards peers, animals and others, socially disadvantaged, drug addicts, alcoholics.
  2. Counseling children with self conflicts- emotionally disturbed, academic problem, self destruction, poor self concept, truancy, shyness, withdrawl, anxiety and tension, short attention span, perfectionism, phobias.
  3. Counseling children with terminal/ chronic diseases- Cancer ,HIV/ AIDS.
Essential Readings: 
  • Axline, V. M. (1947). Play therapy. New York: Ballantine Books.
  • Brammer, L. M. (1985). The helping relationship: Process & skills. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
  • Hackney, H. & Cormier, L. S. (1979). Counseling strategies and objectives. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Thornburg, H.E. (1975). Contemporary Adolescence: Readings. Belmont: Wadsworth.
  • Hetherington, E. M. & Parke, R. D. (1979). Child psychology: A contemporary viewpoint. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill.
  • Hough, M.(2010).  Counselling Skills and Theory. 3rd Edition, MPG Books,Cornwall,UK.
Academic Year: