Introduction to Food (Theory)

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Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • This course will enable the students
  • To understand the definition concepts and functions of foods and nutrition.
  • To learn structure, composition and nutritional contribution of various food products.
  • To understand the effect of processing on food products.
  • To learn concept of preventing spoilage through food preservation.
  • To understand various food laws and labeling rules to obtain food safety.


Unit I: 
Nature of Food Study
  1. Nature of food study.
    1. Introduction to food science. acceptability of food (flavour, texture taste, style of serving, personal likes and dislikes).
    2. Functions of foods- Physiological, psychological, social.
  2. Basic food groups
    1. Classification
    2. Dietary guidelines


Unit II: 
Energy Giving Foods

1. Carbohydrate and carbohydrate cookery.

  a)      Types of carbohydrate in foods - starch, sugar, cellulose, hemicelluloses,    pectin

b)      Sugar : Different forms of sugar- Table sugar, Honey, Jaggery, Bura, Honey, Preparations of Sugar Syrup, Properties- Caramelisation, Inversion, Crystallization, functions in cooking.

c)      Starch: Structure, Composition, properties- Dextrinization, Gelatinisation gel formation.

d)      Pectin and Pectic substances their role in preparation of jams and jelly.

e)      Cereal and cereal cookery.

f)       Structure. Composition, Process done before cooking milling, polishing, parboiling, flaking, parching, roasting, fermentation, malting.

2.  Fats and Oils.

Structure, composition, effect of heat and storage temperature hydrogenation process, basic concepts of refining  rancidity of fats. 

Unit III: 
Protein Rich Foods

Protein rich foods.

Composition, definition of protein rich foods physical properties, denaturation, coagulation and gel formation.

Animal Protein.

  1. Milk and Milk Products.

Composition of milk. Nutritive value. Various types of processed milk., Home care of milk, Pasteurization curd formation cheese preparation., Use of milk and milk products in food preparation.

       2. Egg

 Structure, composition, changes during storage methods of detecting these   changes, effects of cooking, functions of eggs in cookery.

       3. Meat, fish, poultry

Structure, composition, ripening, factors affecting tenderness of meat, rigor mortis effects of cooking

Vegetable Proteins

  1. Legumes and Pulses. - Composition, Methods of cooking soaking, germination fermentation, cooking time.
  1. Nuts and Oils seeds. - Composition, nutritive value.


Unit IV: 
Protective Foods
  1. Vegetables: Classification, composition, color, pigments, compounds  responsible for flavour, , changes that occur during cooking, effect of heat , acid and alkali  minimize nutritional losses during preparation and cooking.
  2. Fruit and fruit preparation: Classification (juicy, pulpy, citrus other)Composition, nutritional contribution flavour, constituents, changes that occur during ripening, ways to avoid browning in fruits and avoid nutrient loss.



Unit V: 
Miscellaneous foods
  1. Miscellaneous foods

Beverages and appetizers. Hot and cold processes and preparation involved in Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Chocolate, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

2.    Spices and condiments: Role in cooking.

3.    a) Reasons for preserving foods.

  1. Causes of food spoilage- microorganisms, insects chemical.

       c) Sources of contamination, aseptic handling of food and

      d) household methods of food preservation: - sun drying, use of salt and      sugar.

  4. An introductory account on Convenience food / ready to use           foods/ protein supplements



Academic Year: