Paper Code: 
HFN 228
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to –


1.       Understand various methods for estimating energy and protein requirements of an individual

2.       Understand methods for determining protein quality and requirements of iron etc.


Course Learning Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title






HFN  228



Human Nutritional Requirement







The students will be able to –

COFN58: Calculate requirements of both macro and micro nutrients.


COFN59: Determine total fat and fiber requirement


COFN60: Develop skills to determine and improve protein quality of dishes.


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Power Point Presentations, Informative videos, group discussion


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentations, Field trips

Quiz, Poster Presentations,

Power Point Presentations, Individual and group projects,

Open Book Test, Semester End Examination, discussion, demonstration




  • Estimation of Energy Requirements-                                                       
    • BMR
  • Energy expenditure on physical activities
  • Factorial Approach
  • Estimation of Protein requirements            
  • Factorial Approach         
  • Estimation of Protein Quality using NDP-Cal%      
  • Balance Studies-Nitrogen Balance
  • Calculate dietary fatty acid according to FAO/ WHO 2008 recommendation for adult male and Female in all three physical activity level, children and physiological status
  • Calculate iron requirement of Pregnant for all three trimester. Calculate RDA for pregnant women.
  • Calculate iron requirement for normal development of Foetus
  • Expansion of maternal Red Cell Mass
  • Placenta and cord during all three trimester
  • Determine total fat and fibre intake of self using data on dietary intake using  24 hrs dietary recall method for a period of 3 days fat (MUFA, PUFA AND SATURATED FAT);[
  • Dietary Fibre (Insoluble, Soluble)




Essential Readings: 
  • Pike and Brown: Nutrition-An Integrated approach-John Wiley and sons, New York
  • Denis M Medeiros and Robert E.C.Wildman.(2012) : Advanced Human Nutrition. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Third Edition
  • Jim Mann and A. Stewart Truswell.(2012): essentials of Human Nutyrition. Oxford University Press. Fourth Edition
  • Shills, M.E. Olson, J. ; Shike, M. and Roos, C. (2006) : Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. 9th edition. Williams and Williams. A Beverly Co. London.
  • Bodwell, C.E. and Erdman, J.W. (1988) Nutrient Interactions. Marcel Dekker Inc. New York.
  • Indian Council of Medical Research. Recommended Dietary Intakes for Indians – Latest Recommendations.
  • Indian Council of Medical Research. Nutritive Value of Indian Foods – Latest Publication.
  • Davidson, Passmore and Eastwood: Human Nutrition and Dietetics- FLBS
  • Bamji, M.S., Rao, N.P. and Reddy, V. (2010) : Textbook of Human Nutrition, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
  • Robinson, C.H. and Lawler, M.R. (2001). Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition. Macmillan, New York.


  • Nutrition Reviews
  • Journal of Nutrition
  • British Journal of Nutrition
  • International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research
  • Nutrition Research





Academic Year: