This course will enable the students to:
1. Impart knowledge regarding the principles of human-nutrition and metabolism of nutrients
2. Familiarize with basic concepts nutrient requirements
. Digestion of Food- Role of gastrointestinal tract, hepatobiliary system and pancreas
2. Carbohydrate:- Digestion, Absorption and metabolic conversions (in brief), functions, sources, requirements, effects of deficiencies and excess of sugar, starches, importance of fiber ,Metabolic conversions to include utilization of Glucose (postabsorptive), conversion to glycogen and fat, Glucose homeostasis and role of hormones(in brief)
Lipids :- Digestion, Absorption, functions, sources, requirements, effects of
deficiencies and excess of fatty acids, fat, cholesterol Role of lipoproteins and implications for health (in brief)
Proteins: - Digestion, Absorption, functions, sources, requirements during different stages of life cycle, effects of deficiencies and excess of Protein and amino acids- essential and nonessential amino acids, Disposal of nitrogenous wastes – role of liver and kidney in Protein synthesis and breakdown.
Vitamin & Minerals :- Absorption and transport, functions (physiological and biochemical ) , sources, requirements during different stages of life cycle, effects of deficiencies and excess of:-
1. Fat soluble vitamins (Vitamin A,D,E,K) and Water soluble vitamins (Vitamin B, C)
2. Minerals and trace elements (Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Sodium , Potassium, Iodine , Zinc)
3. Role of anti-oxidants
Fluid balance in sports and exercise, importance, symptoms and prevention of dehydration.
2. Introduction to dietary supplements, ergogenic aids and prohibitive ingredients :- dopamine, steroids .
Groff, James L & Gropper, Sareen S: Advanced nutrition and human metabolism.
3rd ed. Stamford : Wadsworth Publ, 1999.
2. Padley and Podmore. Chichester : Ellis The Role of Fats in Human Nutrition, Horwood, c 1985. (Ellis Horwood Series in Food Science and Techology, edited by I D Morton)
3. Guthrie Helen Introductory Nutrition. (1986) Times Mirror/ Mosby College
4. Mudambi, S.R., Rajgopal, M.V,Fundamentals of Foods and Nutrition, .(1990) New
Age International Pvt. Ltd.
5. Nutrient Requirements and Recommended Dietary Allowances for Indians-
I.C.M.R. Publication 1999.
6. Robinsson, and Lawler. Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition. (1986) Mac Millan Pub.Co.
7. Wardlaw: Perspectives in Nutrition, (1993) Paul Insel Mosby.
8. Bhatia Arti: Nutrition & Dietetics- Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd.- New Delhi.
9. C. Gopalan, B.V. Ramasastri and S.C. Balasubramanian - Nutritive Value of Indian Foods. (1989) NIN ICMR Hyderabad 500 007