Paper Code: 
CHSC 111
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

  • Understand  the concept of human development
  • Understand the development during prenatal period and infancy.
  • Understand the development in early childhood and late childhood.
Unit I: 
Introduction Human Development
  • Definitions, history, scope and multidisciplinary nature of Human Development
  • Human development as a scientific discipline and its place in home science
  • Stages and aspects of development
  • Principles of Growth and Development
  •  Child study methods- Observations, interviews, questionnaires, checklist

andcase study -types, merits and demerits, longitudinal, cross sectional

approach and projective techniques

  • Interrelationships of heredity and environment
Unit II: 
Prenatal Development
  • Reproductive health and Conception
  •  Symptoms of pregnancy,Stages of prenatal development,factors affecting

prenatal development

  • Birth process
  • Complications during pregnancy and childbirth
  • Role of heredity, environment and maturation in development
  • Post natal care of mother and child- minor ailments.
Unit III: 
Infancy (Birth -2 years)
  • Neonate-adjustment, sensory, perceptual, feeding practices, importance of early stimulation.
  • Reflexes and capabilities of  neonate and their importance.
  • Capabilities of neonate.
  •     Immunization schedule- essential and non essential vaccines.
  • Milestones& characteristics of infancy
  • Development in Infancy
    • Physical-motor development 
    • Cognitive and language development
    • Socio-emotional development
    • Play during infancy
Unit IV: 
Early Childhood (3-7yrs)
  • Characteristics and developmental tasks
  • Physical and motor development - body size, skeletal growth, physiological changes
  • Cognitive & language development- Pre-operational thought, meta-cognition
  • Socio-emotional development- self esteem, gender identity
  • Socialization with peers and sibling
  • Preschool education & play
Unit V: 
Middle and Late Childhood (8-12yrs
  • Characteristics and developmental tasks
  • Physical development- changes in body size, proportion, composition
  • Cognitive development- Information processing
  • Social & emotional development- changes in self-concept, development of self esteem, sex typing, language development
  • Changes in family relationships- parent child relationship, sibling
  • Some common behavioural problems- thumb sucking, bedwetting,

stealing, lying and using abusive language


Essential Readings: 
  • Singh, A. (Ed). 2015. Foundations of Human Development: A life span approach. New Delhi: Orient Black Swan.
  • Hurlock, E.B., Child Development McGraw Hill, New York 1988.
  • Berk, L. E. (2007). Development through the lifespan. Delhi: Pearson Education.
  • Rice. F. P. (1998). Human Development: A lifespan approach. New Jersey: Prentice a. Hall.
  • Santrock, J. W. (2007). A topical approach to life-span development. New Delhi: Tata McGraw- Hill.
  • Papalia, D.E., and Olds, S.W., (2005), Human Development, Tata Mc.Graw Hill      Company,New York.
  • Suriakanthi, A., (2005), Child Development, Kavitha Publications, Gandhigram, Tamil     Nadu.





Academic Year: