Household Equipment And Kitchen Design (Practical)

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This course will enable the students

  • To understand different types of kitchen equipments and tools available in the market.
  • Materials which can be used for kitchen construction, furnishing, modular kitchens.
  • Principles of kitchen planning.


  1. Household Equipments                                                                                   
  2. Market survey of Equipments in terms of availability of brands, performance and cost.
    • Identification of materials and finishes of different household equipments and their characteristics.
  3. Table setting –Formal/Informal/Buffet/Thali.                                                 
  4. Kitchen Planning.                                                                                           
  • Developing kitchen plans for families with different incomes.
  • Planning different types of kitchens.
  • Developing three dimensional plans of kitchen with storage units.



Essential Readings: 
  1. Varghese, M.A. Atreya, N. Bhatnagar, A. and Chatterjee, L.: Ergonomics in kitchen design, Bombay: Deptt of P.G. studies and Research in Home Science



  1. Ehren Kraz F., Inhamn, L. L. – Equipment in the home, New York, Harper and Row Publishers.
  2. Household Equipment Manuals; SNDT Women’s College, Bombay.
  3. Peet L.J. and Arnold M.G., (1970) Household Equipment; New York; John Wiely and Sons.
  4. Van Zante H. (1970); Household Equipment Principles; New York; Prentice Hall.
  5. Peet  and picket – House hold equipment – John Wiley and sons


Academic Year: