Paper Code: 
HCT 122
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To study the textiles traditions of world
  • To study the important textiles arts in their historical perspective.
  • To create awareness and foster appreciation of textile masterpieces of the world.   

Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes (at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HCT 122




COCT4: Understand the perspective of textile and distinguished historic costumes with reference to fabric and style


COCT5: Understand the woven, dyed and printed textiles art in their historical perspective


COCT6: Recognize and appreciate the textile masterpieces of the world textiles

Approach in Teaching :

Discussion, Interactive Lectures, Power Point Presentation


Learning Activities for the Students:


Self Learning Assignments



Quiz, Power Point Presentations, Chart/Poster Presentation,  Individual and Group Projects, Semester End Examination



Unit I: 
Study of master pieces of world textiles: Woven

(With respect to history, construction techniques, styles, colors, motifs and centers of production)

  • Brocades (China, India, Persia, Byzantium, Spain, Italy and France)
  • Shawls (India, England and France)
  • Linen damasks (Ireland and Belgium)
  • Carpets and floor coverings (Middle and Far East)



Unit II: 
Study of master pieces of world textiles: Dyed and Printed

(With respect to history, construction techniques, styles, colors, motifs and centers of production)

  • Resist dyed fabrics (India, Indonesia and Japan)
  • Printed textiles (India, France and England)


Unit III: 
Study of master pieces of world textiles: Special Techniques

 (With respect to history, construction techniques, styles, colors, motifs and centers of production)

  • Tapestries (Greece, Coptic, Europe and Peru )
  • Laces (Europe)


Unit IV: 
Study of master pieces of world textiles: Embroideries

(With respect to history, construction techniques, styles, colors, motifs and centers of production)

  • Embroideries (China, Persia, England)


Unit V: 
Textiles of:
  • Pre-Hispanic, Latin and South America
  • Colonial North America


Essential Readings: 
  • The Last Two Million Years, London, Edited and Published – The Readers Digest.(1973).
  • Association Inc.
  • Annemarie Seiler Baldinger (1979) Classification of Textile Techniques Ahmedabad, India , Calico Museum of India.
  • Encyclopedia of Textiles, Edition of American Fabrics Magazine, New Jersey, Prentice Hall.(1980) 
  • Gillow John and Sentence Bryan (1999) World Textiles London, Thames and Hudson. Ginsburg. Madeleine (Ed.) (1993), Illustrated History of Textiles,  London, Studio Edition.
  • Harris, Jennifer (Ed.), (1993) Textiles-5000 years, London, British Museum Press.
  • Hecht, A. (1989), Art of the Loom, London, British Museum Publications.
  • Lewis. E. (1953) Romance of Textiles, New York, The McMillan Company.
  • Owen Jones (1986) Grammer of Ornament, London, Omega Books.





Academic Year: