Paper Code: 
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This course will enable the students to –

1.     Understand the Approaches to food service management

2.     Understand the Food Management

3.     Understand the Financial and Personnel Management

4.     Understand Entrepreneurship Development

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code





Food Service Management




COFN87: Analyse the development of Food Service Institutions, formulate a management philosophy for ethical decision making. Design effective layouts and plans for food service units.

COFN88: Evaluate the purchasing process as a critical food management activity and critically assess different methods of purchasing and menu planning besides analysing different food service system models and different food service systems.

COFN89: Analyse Financial Management principles and Evaluate costing and Budgeting methodology and also evaluate leadership concepts, theories and styles besides understanding staff planning and management approaches and assessing issues and challenges.

COFN90: Analyse the employment process and evaluate staff training needs also analyse laws governing staff planning, define and explain the concept of work productivity.

COFN91: Analyze the principles of hygiene and sanitation and its standard policies and schedules. Define entrepreneurship and its importance

COFN 92: Contribute effectively in course specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Power Point Presentations, Informative videos, group discussion


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentations, Field trips



Quiz, Poster Presentations, Power Point Presentations, Individual and group projects, Open Book Test, Semester End Examination, discussion, demonstration





Unit I: 
Development of Food Service Institutions

Approaches to food service management

Management Philosophy, Principles and Functions, Tools of Management

Management of Resources (Capital, equipment, functions, space, staff etc                      

Layout design and Planning

Setting up a food service Unit

Different Phases

Kitchen, Storage and Service areas

Evaluation of Plans

Equipments (Selection, Design, purchase, Care and Maintenance)


Food Purchasing

Purchasing - A food Management Activity (The market and the Buyer, Mode of purchasing (Centralized and group purchasing)

Methods of purchasing, Identifying needs amounts to buy (Minimum and maximum stock level and quantities of food to be bought)

Food Production and Service

Importance of Menu planning in food service organization

Types of Menu and its applications, Steps in Menu Planning and its evaluation.

Qualitative and Quantative aspects of Food Production

Food Service Food Service system (Model and its significance, Types of food service system (conventional, commissary, ready prepared and assembly serve and Centralized and decentralized


Financial Management

Costing and Budgeting

Pricing and Accounting 


Personnel Management

Leadership (definition, components, approaches to leadership, styles)

Staff planning and Management (Approaches, issues and steps , Staff scheduling)




Employment Process

Determining staff requirements, policies , recruitment and selection.

Staff Training (Need for training, Areas of Training, Training Process,  Evaluation & appraisal)

Laws governing staff planning and management

Employees laws, Trade unions and contract negotiations.

Personnel Function

Work productivity: Meaning and definition of work productivity ,  formal relationship and duties.

Work Design, Work measurement in food service operation, Productivity Improvement & quality circles.




Hygiene and Sanitation

Personal Hygiene and Sanitary Practices.

Sanitation training and education for food service worker.

Sanitation training & education, Training program, employment practices.

Hazard Analysis and critical control point (HACCP)

Safety and Security

Plant sanitation and safety (Three E's of safety)

Standard policies and Schedules

Entrepreneurship Development

Definition, concept and importance.

Characteristics: - Types of entrepreneur: Qualities, qualifications of good entrepreneur. Factors determining the development of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education and training; obstacles in the development of entrepreneurship.



Essential Readings: 

1.     S. Malhan & M. Sethi, 1989: Catering Management-in Intergrated approach.

2.     Sethi Mohini, 2008: Istitutional Food Management_ New Age International (P)Limited, Published


1.     West, Wood, Shugart, Harger, 1977 : Food service in Institutions.

2.     Koontz O Donnel - 1976 : Management - A systems contigency Analysis and Managerial Functions.

3.     Dessler B. 1978: Personnel Management - Modern Concept & Technique.

4.     Kotshevar L.N. Terrekk M.E., 1967 : Food Service Planning, layout and equipment.

5.     Kolshvner L.M. : Standard Principles and Techniques in Quantity Food Production, 1974.

6.     Kinton & Kesarani : The Theory of Catering. Edward Arnold 1974.

7.     Longree K. : Food service sanitation, Waley 1973.

8.     Philip T.E. : Modern Cookery for teaching and Trade Vol - I & II, 1983.

9.     Avery A.C. : Modern guide of food service equipment C.B. Publishing 1981.

10.  Anderson Home Appliance : Servicing D.B. Tareporevda & Sons. 1976.

11.  Fuller J. Chefs : Manual of Kitchen Management B.F. Balefore, 1977.

12.  Minor, L.J. Chicy, R. F. (1984). Food service systems management Connecticut AVI Pub.

13.  Hitchcock, M.J. (1980). Food service system administration Macimillan, New York.

14.  Drucker, P.S. (1975). Management. Allied Publishing, Delhi.

15.  Boella M.J. (1983). Personnel Management in the Hotel and catering industry.     Hutchinson, London.

16.  Living stone, G.E. (1979). Food Service System Analysis, Design and Implementation. Academic Press. 

17.  Powers, T.F. and Powers, T.M. (1984). Food Service Operations Planning and control, John Wiley and Sons.

18.  Buchanan, R. D. Armstrong, R.A. Merchant, P. Cleveland, E. Crabrec, S. Varge, E. and Kozeluh L. W (1975). The Anatomy of Food service design. CAHNERS Books.          CAHNERS Publ. Co. Inc.

19.  Wood, C. Kluge, E.O. Annssem, P.E. Robinson, S. Golden, P. Clini, F. J Eaton, W.V. (1978). The Anatomy of food service design. C.B.I. Publishing Co.


Academic Year: