Paper Code: 
HFN 321
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Understand the Approaches to food service management
  2. Understand the Food Management
  3. Understand theFinancial and Personnel Management
  4. UnderstandEntrepreneurship Development

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title









HFN  321


Food Service Management







The students will be able to –

COFN65: Comprehend the process of planning, organizing, in the management of human material and financial resources.

COFN66: Understand the Management of human resources within a food services organization or department

COFN67: Develop menus for different food service organization

COFN68: Manage food service production within budgets

COFN69: Adhere to the quality standards & best practices of food service industry


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Power Point Presentations, Informative videos, group discussion


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, presentations, Field trips



Quiz, Poster Presentations, Power Point Presentations, Individual and group projects, Open Book Test, Semester End Examination, discussion, demonstration





Unit I: 


  • Development of Food Service Institutions                                                               
    • Approaches to food service management
    • Management Philosophy, Principles and Functions, Tools of Management
    • Management of Resources (Capital, equipment, functions, space, staff etc              
  • Setting up a food service Unit (Layout design and Planning)
  • Different Phases
    • Kitchen, Storage and Service areas
    • Evaluation of Plans
    • Equipments (Selection, Design, purchase, Care and Maintenance)




Unit II: 
  • Food Management
  • Food Characteristics
  • Food Purchasing
    • Purchasing - A food Management Activity (The market and the Buyer, Mode of purchasing (Centralized and group purchasing)
    • Methods of purchasing, Identifying needs amounts to buy (Minimum and maximum stock level and quantities of food to be bought)
  • Menu Planning (Importance of Menu planning in food service organization).
  • Types of Menu and its applications, Steps in Menu Planning and its evaluation.
  • Food Production (Quality and Quantity )
  • Food Service Food Service system (Model and its significance, Types of food service system      (conventional, commissary, ready prepared and assembly serve and Centralized and decentralized)



Unit III: 
  • Financial Management
    • Costing and Budgeting
    • Pricing and Accounting 
  • Personnel Management
    • Leadership (definition, components, approaches to leadership, styles)
    • Staff planning and Management (Approaches, issues and steps , Staff scheduling)


Unit IV: 
  • Employment Process
    • Determining staff  requirements, policies , recruitment and selection.
    • Staff Training (Need for training, Areas of Training, Training Process,  Evaluation & appraisal)
    • Laws governing staff planning and management
    • Employees laws, Trade unions and contract negotiations.


  • Personnel Function - Work productivity:-
    • Meaning and definition of work productivity ,  formal relationship and duties.
    • Work Design,     Work measurement in food service operation, Productivity Improvement & quality circles.



Unit V: 
  • Hygiene and Sanitation
    • Personal Hygiene and Sanitary Practices.
    • Sanitation training and education for food service worker.
    • Sanitation training & education, Training program , employment practices.
    • Hazard Analysis and critical control point (HACCP)
    • Safety and Security
    • Plant sanitation and safety (Three E's of safety)
    • Standard policies and Schedules
  • Entrepreneurship Development
    • Definition, concept and importance.
    • Characteristics: - Types of entrepreneur: Qualities, qualifications of good entrepreneur. Factors determining the development ofentrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education and training; obstacles in the development of entrepreneurship.



Essential Readings: 
  • S. Malhan & M. Sethi, 1989: Catering Management-in Intergrated approach.
  • Sethi Mohini, 2008: Istitutional Food Management_ New Age International (P)Limited, Published



  • West, Wood, Shugart, Harger, 1977 : Food service in Institutions.
  • Koontz O Donnel - 1976 : Management - A systems contigency Analysis and          Managerial Functions.
  • Dessler B. 1978: Personnel Management - Modern Concept & Technique.
  • Kotshevar L.N. Terrekk M.E., 1967 : Food Service Planning, layout and equipment.
  • Kolshvner L.M. : Standard Principles and Techniques in Quantity Food Production, 1974.
  • Kinton &Gesarani : The Theory of Catering. Edward Arnold 1974.
  • Longree K. : Food service sanitation, Waley 1973.
  • Philip T.E. : Modern Cookery for teaching and Trade Vol - I & II, 1983.
  • Avery A.C. : Modern guide of food service equipment C.B. Publishing 1981.
  • Anderson Home Appliance : Servicing D.B. Tareporevda & Sons. 1976.
  • Fuller J. Chefs : Manual of Kitchen Management B.F. Balefore, 1977.
  • Minor, L.J. Chicy, R. F. (1984). Food service systems management Connecticut AVI Pub.
  • Hitchcock, M.J. (1980). Food service system administration Macimillan, New York.
  • Drucker, P.S. (1975). Management. Allied Publishing, Delhi.
  • Boella M.J. (1983). Personnel Management in the Hotel and catering industry. Hutchinson, London.
  • Living stone, G.E. (1979). Food Service System Analysis, Design and Implementation. Academic Press. 
  • Powers, T.F. and Powers, T.M. (1984). Food Service Operations Planning and control, John Wiley and Sons.
  • Buchanan, R. D. Armstrong, R.A. Merchant, P. Cleveland, E. Crabrec, S. Varge, E. and Kozeluh L. W (1975). The Anatomy of Food service design. CAHNERS Books. CAHNERS Publ. Co. Inc.
  • Wood, C. Kluge, E.O. Annssem, P.E. Robinson, S. Golden, P. Clini, F. J Eaton, W.V. (1978). The Anatomy of food service design. C.B.I. Publishing Co.


Academic Year: