Food Safety

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This course will enable the students to:

  • Gain deeper knowledge of  various ways of maintaining hygine and sanitationb
  • Understand the importance of microorganisms in food spoilage and to learn advanced techniques used in food preservation.
  • Understand the latest procedures adopted in various food operations  to prevent food borne disorders and legal aspects involved in such cases.



Relationship of microorganism to sanitation

  • Role of microbiology – Environmental effects of microbial growth
  • Effects of microorganism on food degradation
  • food borne illiness- bacteria, virus, moulds, yeast and parasites
  • Food Hazards- chemical, antibiotics, hormones, metal contamination-poisonous foods
  • Food contamination- Sources and transmission water, air, sewage and soil as reserviour of infection and warp of spread
  • Other agents of contamination-
  • Hermans, domestic animals, vermin’s, birds.
  • Importance of personal hygiene of food handler
  • Habits- clothes, illness education of food handler in handling and serving food
  • Safety in food procurement, storage, handling and preparation- control of spoilage
  • Holding time of various foods in food service institutions

Safety of  left over foods

  • Cleaning Methods- Sterilization and disinfection- products and methods- use of detergents, heat , chemicals ,test for sanitizers.
  • Sanitation- Kitchen design equipment and systems
  • Structure and layout of food premises maintaining clean environment
  • Selecting and installing equipment cleaning equipment

Waste Product Handling

  • Planning for waste disposal
  • Solid waste and liquid wastes, ecomanagement

Control of Infestion

  • Rodent Control- Rats, Mice- Rodent Proofing, Destruction
  • Vector control
  • Use of Pesticide

Food Sanitation, control and inspection- Planning and Implementation of training programmes for health.

Essential Readings: 
  1. Jacob, M (1989)Safe Food Handling. A Training guide for manager. WHO Geneva, Marriott, N.G (1989).
  2. Principles of Food Sanitation-II Edition. AVI Book. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
  1. Hobbs, B.C and R.J Gilbert (1978). Food Poisoning and Food Hygiene. 4th edition. The English language book society and  Edward Arnold (publisher)Ltd
  2. Longree, K(1967). Quantity Food Sanitation Interscience Publishers, New York
  3. Kawata, K. (1983) Enviromental Sanitation in India. Lucknow Publishing House.

Minor, L.J.(1983) Sanitation, Safety and Environmental Standards AVI. Publishing Co. Westport, Connecticut

Academic Year: