Paper Code: 
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This course will enable the students:

  1. To be aware of food processing technologies
  2. To understand various changes occurring in food components during processing


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code



DFSN 602(A)

Food Product Development & Packaging




CO71: Develop new innovative food products through ideation, recipe formulation, prototyping, cost evaluation and become aware of various contemporary food categories and nomenclatures

CO72: Cultivate skills to apprehend market trends, consumer preferences, and behavior, and their influence on product to device appropriate marketing strategies.

CO73: Implement quality control and standardization and food product via product testing by subjective and objective evaluation of food

CO74: Design packaging solutions that meet the requirements for preserving food quality, safety, shelf-life, and consumer appeal.

 CO75: Develop skills in communicating effectively with consumers through food labels, and gain insight into labeling regulations and guidelines

CO76: Contribute effectively in course specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Demonstration, power point presentation,  Field Trip


Learning activities for the students:

Field activities, Presentation,

Class test, CA test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation,


Unit I: 
Development of a New Product

·       Importance of Product Innovation

·       Type of products – Convenience Foods (RTS, RTC.RTE). Fabricated foods, Quick               cooking foods

·       Idea Generation, idea Screening, Concept Development and Testing.

·       Selection of raw materials, Portion size, Standardization of methods.

.       Calculation of nutritive values, Cost production and shelf life

Unit II: 
  • Market research, data collection and analysis
  • Market Testing
  • Commercialization
  • Product Life Cycle (PLC)
  • Marketing Strategies at Different Stages of PLC


Unit III: 
Product testing
  • Establishing sensory panels
  • Designing testing facilities
  • Sensory Evaluation – Designing score card, type of tests,
  • Objective evaluation, Instruments used for evaluation of texture, TS, Brix, etc



Unit IV: 
Food Packaging
  • Introduction to Food Packaging
  • Functions of Packaging
  • Types of packaging  material –Advantages & disadvantages (plastic, metal, glass , paper)
  • Advanced packaging techniques – (Aseptic Packaging, Smart Packaging,  MAP,  Vacuum Packaging , Active and Intelligent packaging)
  • Type of Packaging – Bottling, Cartoning, Seal and Shrink packaging, Form, Fill and Sealing, retort packaging.
  • Environment friendly Sustainable Packaging  
  • Regulatory aspects of packaging  


Unit V: 
Food labelling
  • Purpose of labels – information, warning, identification, appeal
  • Labelling requirements on package
  • Regulatory aspects of Food labelling
  • Types of labels
  • Nutritional Labeling


Essential Readings: 
  1. Food Packaging: Principles and Practice (2nd ed.), Taylor & Francis, Sacharow, S. and Griffin, R.C. (1980)
  2. Principles of Foods Packaging, 2nd Ed., Avi, Publication Co. Westport, Connecticut, USA.
  3. Avantina Sharma- Food-Product-Development, CBS Publishers And Distributors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2020
  4. Robertson, GL (2010). Food Packaging and Self Life: A practical Guide, CRC Press.
  5. Rao E. S. (2013). Food Quality Evaluation, Variety Books.
  6. Amerine, Pangborn & Roessler (1965). Principles of Sensory Evaluation of food, Academic Press, London.
  7.  Meilgard (1999). Sensory Evaluation Techniques, 3rd ed. CRC Press LLC, 1999
  8.  deMan J. (2007). Principles of Food Chemistry, 3rd ed., Springer.



  1. Food Packaging and Preservation by M Mathlouthi, Blackie
  2. Academic & professional 5. Handbook of Food Packaging Technology by NIIR,    New Delhi
  3. Bakker, M. (1986) The Wiley Encyclopedia of Packaging Technology, John Willey & Sons. Inc; New York.
  4. Food Packaging Technology Handbook. NIIR Board, National Institute of Industrial Research, 2003 
  5. Ahvenainen, R. (Ed.) Novel Food Packaging Techniques, CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New York , 2003
  6. Han, J.H. (Ed.) Innovations in Food Packaging, Elsevier Academic Press, 2005
  7. Coles, R., McDowell, D. and Kirwan, M.J. (Eds.) Food Packaging Technology, CRC Press, 2003.
  8. Athalye, A.S. (1992), Plastics in Packaging, Tata McGraw –Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi.
  9. Rooney, M.L. (1995). Active Food Packaging, Blackie Academic & Professional, Glasgow, UK.
  10. Bakker, M. (1986) The Wiley Encyclopaedia of Packaging Technology, John Willey & Sons. Inc; New York.


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