: Food Preservation

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This course will enable the students:

  • To understand the basic principles of food preservation

Introduction to Food Preservation

  • Physiology of Cells
  • Cellular stress signaling Systems


 General principles of food preservation: Asepsis, Removal, Anaerobic conditions

  • Methods of food preservation
  • Principles of Food Preservation
  • Asepsis
  • Removal of Microorganism
  • Maintenance of anaerobic conditions


 Aseptic Packaging

  • Introduction
  • Causes of Spoilage
  • Managing Microbial Activity
  • Active food Packaging
  • Antimicrobial Packaging Systems
  • Designing of AM Packaging System
  • Heating, Ventilation and conditioning of packaging environment
  • Packing Machine Requirements

Preservation by High Temperature

  • Factors Affecting Heat Resistance (Thermal Death Time)
  • Heat Resistance of Microorganism and their spores
  • Determination of Heat Resistance (Thermal Death Time)
  • Thermal Death Time Curves (TDT) 12D concept
  • Heat penetration
  • Determination of Thermal Process
  • Heat Treatments employed in processing foods



Preservation by High Temperature

  • Factors Affecting Heat Resistance (Thermal Death Time)
  • Heat Resistance of Microorganism and their spores
  • Determination of Heat Resistance (Thermal Death Time)
  • Thermal Death Time Curves (TDT) 12D concept
  • Heat penetration
  • Determination of Thermal Process
  • Heat Treatments employed in processing foods



Preservatives by Drying

  • Methods of Drying
  • Factors in control of Drying
  • Treatments of Foods before drying
  • Procedures after drying
  • Microbiology of Dried Foods
  • Intermediate- Moisture Foods

 Preservatives by Irradiation

  • Introduction
  • Ionizing Radiation used for Food Irradiation
  • Foods Currently being Irradiated
  • Sensitivity and Resistance of microbes towards ionizing Radiations
  • Importance of surviving bacteria in low dose irradiated foods
  • Uses of Food Irradiation
  • Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Nutrient in Foods



New Preservation Technologies

  • Introduction
  • Non Thermal Inactivation Technologies
  • Biopreservation
  • Natural Anti Microbial Compounds
  • Non bacteriocinogenic cultures
  • Factors affecting microbial resistance
  • Kinetics of inactivation


Essential Readings: 

  1. Srilakshmi. Food science. New Age International Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi,1997.


  1. Manay. Food, facts and principles. New Age International Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi 2000


  1. Frazier. Food microbiology. McGraw Hill, New York, 1998.


  1. ISI publications.


  1. PFA Act, 1954


  1. Egan, Kiv,Sawyer. Pearson’s chemical analysis of foods. Addison Wesley England,1991.


  1. Joslyn. Methods in food analysis.


  1. Jacob. Chemical methods in food analysis. CBS Publications and Distributors,Delhi,1999















Academic Year: