Paper Code: 
HFN 126
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to –


1.       Learn to isolate, maintain and identify microorganisms.

2.       Gain knowledge about characteristics of bacteria and fungi.

3.       Determine the food quality of different food products.

4.       Have an insight of sanitation and hygiene practices in food industries

 Course Learning Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title











HFN  126


Food Microbiology& Safety








The students will be able to –


COFN22: Differentiate which organisms would be likely to grow in a specific food product.

COFN23: Carry out a series of laboratory experiments aimed at isolating and identifying common food borne microbial pathogens

COFN24: Classify spoilage microorganisms according to the food or foods they are most likely to affect based on the intrinsic and environmental characteristics of the food

COFN25: Design and carry out a laboratory experiment to evaluate the microbial quality of common food products

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Power Point Presentations, Informative videos, group discussion


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, presentations, Field trips




Individual and group projects,

Semester End Examination, demonstration






  • Contents:
  • Preparation of sterilized media.
  • Isolation of pure culture 
  • Maintenance & preservation of pure culture Simple & Gram’s staining
  • Determination of potability of water by MPN test.
  • Methylene Blue Reductase Time Test for checking microbial quality of milk.
  • Analysis of microbial count from air, water, soil by Standard Plate Count (SPC) technique.
  • Determination of indicator organisms in water & food on selected media (any two)
  • (a) E.coli (b) Shigella (c)S.aureus (d)Salmonella
  • Isolation and identification of microorganisms (fungi & bacteria) from spoiled food items.
  • Blotter’s Test  (a) Cereals- Wheat & Maize
  • (b) Pulses- Blackgram & Chick pea
  • (c) Others-Peanut/Coconut/Ginger/garlic/Turmeric
  • Visit to Food Manufacturing Unit/Processing Units/Hotels to observe processing & manufacturing of food products; to learn various microbial techniques & to understand HACCP functioning.


Essential Readings: 
  • Frazier and Westhoff (2006) Food Microbiology by. Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi.
  • Banwart (2004) Basic Food Microbiology CBS Publishers & Distributors New Delhi.
  • Cappucino, James G (1999) Microbiology; A Laboratory Manual (VI Edition) Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
  • Adams M.R., Moss M.O. (2004) Food Microbiology  (II Edition) Panima Publishing Cooperation New Delhi .
  • Roday S. (1999) Food Hygiene & Sanitation Tata Mc Graw Hill
  • James M. Jay (2005) Modern Food Microbiology (IV Edition), CBS Publishers & Distributors New Delhi.
  • Potter & Hotchkiss Food Science CBS Publishers & Distributors New Delhi.
  • Ramesh Vijaya K. (2007) Food Microbiology, MJP Publishers Chennai.
  • Casida Jr; L.E. (2002)Industrial Microbiology New Age International (p) Ltd. New Delhi.
  • Deshmukh A.M. (2007) Handbook of media &Stains & Reagents in Microbiology. Oxford Book Company, India.




Academic Year: