To develop new food products which are marketable and nutritionally and economically viable.
To develop entrepreneurial abilities for small scale food industries
Traditional foods- Status and need for revival in context of water minded non traditional foods, urbanization and such factors.
Product Development: Primary processing, Secondary Processing. Types of products eg. Quick cooking, fast foods, fabricated foods, convenience foods, ready to eat foods
Packaging and Labeling, Research and testing
Sensory evaluation
Association of food scientist and techonologist(India). Trends in Food science& Techonology. Proceedings of second international food science and techonology (IFCON-88 Feb,18-13(FTR) Mysore.
Ritson, C. Gofton L, Me Kenzie J. The food consumer . John Willey & sons New york 1986.
Hayes G.D. Food engineering data hand book. Longman Scientific and technical New York 1987
Bemder , FE. , Kramer, A. , Kahan , G. System analysis for the food industries AVI Publication .Co. Connecticut. 1976