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This course will enable the students to :


  • Understand the goals, significance and functions of marriage
  • To understand the concept of family , parenthood and parent child relationship
  • Understand family life cycle.
  • Understand problems related to family and women.
  •  Understand social structure.


  1. Definition of family from different perspectives.
  2. Approaches to family study-
    1. Development approach
    2. Interactional approach
    3. Institutional approach
    4. Structural functional approach
    5. Systems approach
  3. Changing structural and functional aspects of Indian family.
  4. Family life cycle and their developmental task
  5. Parenting :Roles and responsibilities of parents.
  6. Parenting styles

Personality and society                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

  1. Kinship: Types of Kinship, degree of kinship, range of a kinship system, kinship descent, kinship usages, kinship and their influence on the child.
  2. Society: Structure- rural & urban, modern society and its influence on the family.
  3. Personality and society - Inter-relation, cultural influences on human personality and social behavior
  4. Family life education.



  1. Concept, need, importance of marriage for individual/family/society
  2. Readiness for marriage- physiological, social, psychological, economical etc.
  3. Adjustments in marriage- sexual, economical, in- laws, parenthood and problems in marriage desertion, separation, divorce, widowhood and remarriage.
  4. Legal aspects of marriage, marital and pre marital counseling
  5. Marital counseling

Changing trends

  1. Effect of modernization on marriage.
  2. Employment of women and family conflict& adjustment
  3. Generation Gap and adjustment
  4. Alternatives to marriage – co-living, living single, child marriage, group marriage, lesbianism and gay culture.

Issues & Interventions                                                                       

  1. Status of women- Demographic, political, social, educational, economic, legal.
  2. Factors influencing status, roles and responsibilities of men and women.
  3. Problems of women- Dowry, suicide, health, women and mass media, sexual exploitation, women criminals,  prostitution, eve teasing , rape.
  4. Woman and the Law: Legislation pertaining to marriage, property, Hindu-marriage act, Hindu succession act, Antidowry  act.
  5. Intervention and relief programs- family violence, battered women, child maltreatment, sexual abuse, separation and divorce, mother employed outside.
Essential Readings: 
  • Duvall, E.M. Family, The Macmillon Company, New York 1961.
  • Lanois, F.R. and Landis, M.O. Personala adjustments in Marriage and family living, Prentice Hall Inc., New York 1955.
  • Renkel, F. The Family in perspective. Appleton Contury, Crofts, Inc. New Delhi, 1960.
  • Rao. C.N.S.Introduction to Sociology. Vol. 1. S. Chand & Company (pvt.) Ltd.
  • Kapur,S.Changing status of working women in India,Vikas1974.
  • Mandelbaum,D.G.,Society in India,Popular Prakashan,1972.
  • Nye,I and Berardo,the family its structure and interaction.Macmillan,1973.
  • Jack,N.Modernsociety,Georage Allen and union,1981.
  • Rai,B.C.,SocialPsychology,Prakashan Kendra,1982.
  • Nye and Berarde,Emerging conceptual framework in Family Analysis.
  • KapadiaK.M.Mirrage& Family in India Madras,Oxford University Press,1955.
  • Newman and Newman: Infancy and Childhood development and its Context, John Willey, 1978



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