Paper Code: 
DHSC 613 (B)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Understand the various forms of family that exist in contempory Indian context.
  2. Evaluate the various roles shared by the members in a family and familial relationships.
  3. Understand family and interacting variables for analyzing individual behavior within family.
  4. Analyze the various programmes for family development

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title




Family Dynamics:

Mapping Family Relationships


The students will be able to -

CLO273: Become familiar with the concept of  family dynamics and factors influencing the dynamics of  Indian family.

CLO274: Develop the familiarity with the family and its related issues and adjustments.

CLO275: Understand the role expectations and demands of traditional and modern gender roles.

CLO276: Acquire the knowledge about the factors influencing family dynamics

CLO277: Become familiar with the reflection  and perception of family members towards each other.

Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Presentation,


Learning activities for the students:

Field activities, Presentation, Giving tasks

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Presentation


Unit I: 
Family dynamics


·             Concept of Family Dynamics

·             Indian families and Internal Dynamics

·             Factors that influence dynamics of the family

·             Family interactions, Cohesion, Communication in family

·             Family Life Education-Meaning, importance, methods

Unit II: 
Diversity in family forms


·             Families in different ecological context

·             Traditional forms of family and marriage in India-Nuclear, Joint and Extended-Merits & Demerits

·             The life cycle   -Features, Importance and Stages

·             Alternative forms of family

Family Developmental tasks

Unit III: 
Role expectations and Demands



·              Nature of roles and relationships in Indian Context

·              Determinants of roles and relationships

·              Traditional and Modern gender roles

Variations in family structures and role distributions

Unit IV: 
Influence of Globilisation, Media and Migration on Family Dynamics


·             Changes in the structure of Families

·             Changes in roles within family setting

·             Role confusion, Role Conflict and Role Stress

·             Reflection on Behaviours in family

·             Modern Indian Families

Unit V: 
Family Programmes and Intervention



·                 Problems encountered in family

·                 Family Intervention

·                 Government policies and programmes for families.


Essential Readings: 

·             Kuppuswamy,B. (1975) . Social change in India (2nd Edition). New Delhi :Vikas

·             Ahuja , R. (1993) . Indian social system, New Delhi :Rawat.

·             Duvalh E.: Family development, J.B. Lippincott, New York, 3rd ed. 1967

·             Foster: Marriage and Family Relations, Macmillan, 1950

·             Hill R. and Waller: The Family, Holt Rinehart and Winstion, New York (Latest ed.)

·             Prabhy: Hindar Social Organization, Popular Book Co. 1954

·             Williamson, R.C.: Marriage and Family Relations, Collier Macmillan, London, 1969

·             Newman and Newman: Infancy and Childhood development and its Context, John Willey, 1978

·             Macionis,J.J. (2006). Sociology. Delhi: Pearso n.

·             Sonawat, R. (2001). Understanding Families in India: A Reflection of Societal Changes. Unit for Family Studies, TISS (1991). Research on familieswith . problems in India: Issues and implications (Vol. I). Bombay TISS

·             Kuppuswamy, B. (1975). Social change in India (2nd edition). New Delhi: Vikas.

Academic Year: