Family Counselling and Therapy (Theory)

Paper Code: 
24CEFE 801
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of issues that may affect the development and functioning of students
  2. Understand the principles and skills needed for counselling children and adolescents
  3. Gain knowledge and application of evidence-based research and practice in child and adolescent to assist students, families, and educators in using resources that promote informed academic, career, and personal/social choices
  4. Understand ethical and legal considerations related specifically to the practice of child and adolescent counselling
  5. Coordination, collaboration, referral, and team-building efforts with teachers, parents, support personnel, and community resources to develop promotive and preventive interventions


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code



24CEFE 801


Family Counselling  and Therapy (Theory)


CO115: Apply counselling skills and techniques to work with children and adolescents

CO116:Describe the various categories of children with special needs and develop Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for the same.

CO117: Develop study skills and academic advising programs for students

CO118: Compare and Contrast the theories in career development

CO119: Apply the knowledge of consultation and collaboration models to develop services for children, adolescents, school staff, and families

CO120: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Team teaching

Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, , Topic  presentation,  

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Presentation


Unit I: 
Counselling Process and Relationship
  • Counselling needs of children and adolescents, locations of needs (School, Family, Residential care, community, at-risk) and Nature of issues (Emotional, behavioural, conduct, developmental, learning).
  • Characteristics of child and adolescent counsellor, therapeutic relation in child and adolescent counselling.
  • Process of child therapy, Internal processes of children and therapeutic change, Child counselling skills, use of play and art with children, Child counselling skills: observation, active listening, dealing with resistance and transference, termination skills.


Unit II: 
Counselling in Educational Context
  • Specific issues in the educational setting: Dealing with children with Special needs.
  • Behavioural management: functional analysis and techniques of behaviour modification.
  • Individualized educational programmes. Career guidance and counselling
  • Theories of Career Development, Influences on Career Development.


Unit III: 
Learning and Teaching
  • Learning styles: VAK Model, Kolb’s Experiential Model, MBTI Pattern, Honey & Mumford Model, Hemispheric Dominance Model, Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Model.
  • Study skills and Academic advising: Reading, Writing, Note Making skills, Time Management.
  • Cognitive issues: Factors influencing Attention and Concentration, Remembering, Forgetting; teacher-student relationship, school climate and dealing with issues in teaching and learning  


Unit IV: 
School-based Interventions and Policies
  • Counsellor as Educational Consultant: Consultation Models and Skills, School-based tired interventions- three-level prevention;
  • School counselling models and polices- The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs;
  • Relevant policies of UNCRC, UNICEF, National level initiatives-NCPCR, NCERT and others that are applicable to school counselling
  • Psychological Assessment from counsellor’s perspective- Tests for cognitive development - Tests for memory development – Tests for personality and Temperament – Behaviour Checklist and Projective tests. Intervention: Play therapy & family therapy, Behavior modification, Training programs in schools


Unit V: 
Counselling Interventions for Special Populations
  • Substance Abuse counselling- Understanding Use, Abuse and Dependence;; Early Identification (risk factors); Assessment tools and application; Counselling for Motivation Enhancement; Brief Intervention Therapy; Denial; Counselling Individuals; Relapse Dynamic & triggers ; Processes in Recovery (refusal skills)
  • Mental Health Counselling- Identifying and assessing mental health problems, conveying of diagnoses, managing stigma, compliance counselling; Psychopharmacology: mechanisms, educating clients; psycho-education in families, communities, promotion of mental health
  • Child Abuse and Trauma- Types and characteristics of the various forms of child abuse and neglect, child abuse and neglect reporting laws ; appropriate treatment plans and intervention approaches,  community resources to aid in the prevention, intervention and treatment of child abuse


Essential Readings: 
  • Santrock, J.W. (2003). Educational psychology. McGraw-Hill.
  • Geldard, K., Geldard, D., & Foo, R. Y. (2013). Counselling children: A practical introduction. Sage. 
  • Woolfolk, A. (2007). Educational psychology (10th ed.). Allyn & Bacon.



Suggested Reading

  • American School Counselor Association (2012). The ASCA National Model: A framework for school counseling programs, Third Edition. Alexandria.
  • Asch, M. (2000). Principles of guidance and counselling (1st ed.). Sarup & Sons
  • Cohen, L.G., & Spenciner, L.J. (2003). Assessment of children and youth with special needs. Allyn & Bacon.
  • Naar-King, S., & Suarez, M.  (2011). Motivational interviewing with adolescents and young adults. Guilford. 
  • Pattison S., Robson M., & Beynon A. (2015). The handbook of counselling children and young people. Sage.
  • Schmidt, J. (2008). Counseling in schools: Comprehensive programs of responsive services for all students. Allyn and Bacon.
  • Sharry, J. (2004). Counselling children, adolescents and families: A strengths-based approach. Sage Publications Ltd.





Academic Year: