Paper Code: 
HHD 327
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to :
1. Understand of the various aspects and types of business organizations 
2. To apply information on the various sources of finance and also on the process of setting up small enterprise. 
3. Understand the relevance of entrepreneurship and to develop effective entrepreneurship skills among students. 
Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HHD 337

Enterpreunership in services  for women and children


Student will be able to –

COHD 105: Construct knowledge in  thinking from the perspective of a counsellor/therapist in exploring a range of case records related to family dynamics and spousal disharmony.

COHD 106:Understand the importance of family interviewing.

COHD 107: demonstrate  the skills of presentation in conducting awareness generation campaign in the community regarding family.

COHD 108: Devise the method to plan programme for parents in context of adolescents problems.

COHD 109: Implement plan the marriage enrichment activity.


Approaches in Teaching:  Interactive Lectures, Mock Activity, Power Point Presentation, Discussion with lectures.



Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, field practicals.

Quiz. PPT, Group projects, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.



Enlist entrepreneurial opportunities in human development. 

Select any enterprise and prepare a report of SWOT analysis (group work). 
Presentation on funding agencies, offices for understanding the formalities for registrations and the licenses for enterprise. 
Case profiling of successful entrepreneurs and enterprises.
Survey of an institution facilitating entrepreneurship development for women and children in Rajasthan.
Preparing a prospectus/guide on starting of an enterprise. 
Plan and prepare a proposal for product and execute it.
Essential Readings: 
Akhouri, M.M. P., 1990, ‘Entrepreneurship for women in India’ NIESBUD, New Delhi. 
Deshpande, M.V (1984) Entrepreneurship of small scale industries, concept, growth, and management Deep and Deep Publications,D-1/24, R- Garden, New Delhi( Unit1- III). 
Parekh, U. and Rao , T.V (1978). Personal efficacy in developing Entrepreneurship. Learning system, New Delhi ( Unit VIII) 
Patel V.C. 1987, Women Entrepreneurship – Developing new Entrepreneurs, EDII Ahmedabad. 
Rao, T.V and Parekh, L.U (1982). Developing Entrepreneurship. A handbook, Learning system. New Delhi. 
Rao. V.L, ‘Industrial Entrepreneurship in India.’ Chug Publications, Allahabad. 


Academic Year: