Paper Code: 
ECE 132
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will-

  • Introduce the students with the concept of ECCE, its need, significance and objectives.
  • Impart knowledge about policies, programmes & Issues  of  ECCE in India
  • Train the students in designing the curriculum and stimulation package for ECCE
  • Train the students in organizing activities for holistic development of children.
Unit I: 
Early Childhood Care & Education
  1. Early Childhood Care and Education –its holistic and integrated nature
  2. Need, significance and objectives of ECCE
  3. Philosophy & Contributions of Indian & Western thinkers - Montessori, Froebel, Vygotsky, M.K. Gandhi, Ravindra Nath Tagore, Gijubahai Badheka, Tarabai Modak.
Unit II: 
History and Policies for ECCE in India
  1. History of ECCE in India: Early Missionaries, Montessori in India, Central Social Welfare board, Balwadi programme and ICDS
  2. Policy framework in ECCE
  1. National Policy on Education (1986),
  2. Article 45 in Indian Constitution and 86th amendment
  3. ECCE in Right to Education (2010)
  4. National Curriculum Framework ( 2005)
  5. National Policy on ECCE ( 2013)

Commitments to international Conventions and Commitments like Education For All (EFA) , Millenium Development Goals (MDG)

Unit III: 
Programmes and Issues of ECCE
  1. Programmes and provisions in ECCE in India : ICDS, Rajeev Gandhi Creche Scheme, ECCE In NREGA, ECCE in SSA, Private sector provisions in ECCE, Voluntary Sector initiatives in ECCE
  3. Issues in ECCE in India : Inadequate importance to ECCE; Status and Gaps in Access, Coverage & Quality of ECCE; Issues of Teacher education in ECCE ; Lack of Regulation and monitoring.
Unit IV: 
Play & curriculum planning
  1. Meaning importance and value of Play
  2. Meaning, importance and types  (Kinesthetic, Visual, auditory) of early stimulation
  3. Early stimulation—nature of materials; considerations of safety, hygiene, space etc.
  4. Curriculum models
  5. Principles & Types of Activity planning- daily, weekly and annual plan
  6. Characteristics of early childhood indicator


Unit V: 
Methods and Materials for Early childhood Development
  1. Activities and materials for Gross & Fine Motor Development
  2. Activities and materials for Language development-Informal discussion, conversation story-telling, Role play, rhymes, picture talk, listening skill
  3. Personal and social development- Group activities, imaginative play, cooperative learning activities; projects, creative activities.
  4. School Readiness- Importance of 3R’s
Essential Readings: 
  • Muralidharan. R. & Asthana, S. (1991). Stimulation activities for young children. New Delhi: NCERT.
  • Pankajam, G. (1994). Pre-school Education, Ambalka: The Indian Publication.
  • Swaminathan, Meena (1998). The First Five Years, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
  • Swaminathan, M. & Daniel, P. (2000). Activity-Based Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum for Young Children, Indian Association for Preschool Education, Chennai, Coimbatore, Neyveli.
  • Swaminathan, M. & Daniel, P. (2004). Play Activities for Child Development A Guide to Preschool Teachers, National Book Trust, New Delhi.
  • Kaul, V. et al (2004) Reaching out to the Child; Oxford University Press.
  • Kaul, V. (2009). Early Childhood Education Programme. New Delhi: NCERT.
  • Kaul, V. and Sankar, D. (2009) Early Childhood Care and Education in India: Mid Decade Assessment; NUEPA.
  • Policy Documents related to RTE (2009); NCF (2005); NPECCE (2013); NCF (2013); NPE (1986); NP on Children (updated)
  • UNESCO (2006). Select Issues concerning ECCE in India. Background paper prepared for the Education For All Global Monitoring Report (2007)


Academic Year: