Paper Code: 
HHD 124
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
This course will enable the students to :
Recognize the social, cultural and economic influences on children and childhood  
Learn about the co-existence of plurality and diversity of childhood in contemporary Indian society  
Understand evolving notions about children and appreciate different cultural notions of childhood and be aware of classroom diversity  

Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HHD 124

Early childhood care and education

Student will be able to –


COHD15: Explain the significance, objectives and stages of early childhood 

COHD16: Explain the importance of early intervention and ECE philosophies.

COHD17: Design the Essential features and component of ECCE curriculum and pedagogical strategies

COHD18: Explain the program policies and issues related to ECCE

COHD19: Identify various methods of engaging children



Approaches in Teaching:  Lecture & discussion specific to current research in ECCE

, Audio visual resources, Experiential learning through demonstration



Learning activities for the Students:

Self  -directed /: Read joournal articles, books to collate information on need and rationale of ECCE, assignments, field practicals.

Quiz. PPT, Group discussion, Class test focusing on definitions, short notes, match the following,assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.



Unit I: 
Early Childhood in contemporary India


  1. Childhood- Meaning , Importance of early childhood in the lifespan
  2. Significance of early childhood: neuro- science perspective, rights perspective,  economic investment and the criticality of early years in the human life cycle
  3. Educating Children with Diverse Backgrounds and Special Needs: Ensuring All Children Learn
  4. Understanding concept of legal childhood and Constitutional provisions for young children
Unit II: 
Concept and Significance of ECCE


  1. Concept of Early Childhood Care and Education –its holistic and integrated nature
  2. Scope and objectives of ECCE for children from birth to eight years;
  3. Objectives related to all round development—promotion of different aspects of development
  4. Sub Stages in ECCE – Birth to 3 years: Three to six years & Six to eight years  
  5. Status of early childhood care and education in India
  6. Play in childhood years
Unit III: 
Childhood needs, care and education


  1. Contributions and writings of thinkers such as Tagoreji, Gandhjii, Gijubhai Badheka Montessori, Froebel and Tara Bai Modak for childhood and  early education
  2. Different kinds of early childhood settings and the role in meeting needs of children in crèches, anganwadis, balwadis, mobile crèche, fee paying ECCE centers & ECCE centers run by NGOs.
  3. Thematic approach, Play-way method, activity method and project method
    Multi grade teaching, peer tutoring and cooperative learning
Unit IV: 
Policy & Programmes in ECCE


  1. National policy on education (1986) on ECCE, National Plan of Action (2015)
  2. ECCE in Right to Education Act, 2010
  3. National Policy on ECCE ( 2013)
  4. NCF for ECCE
  5. Commitments to international Conventions and Commitments like Education For All (EFA) , Millennium Development Goals (MDG)
  6. ECCE in SSA
  7. Programmes: ICDS, Mobile crèche, Rajiv Gandhi crèche scheme
Unit V: 
Issues in ECCE in India


  1. Salience to ECCE for national development
  2. Status and Gaps in Access and Coverage of ECCE
  3. Equity issues
  4. Quality in ECCE
  5. Transition from preprimary to primary education
  6. Teacher education in ECCE
  7.  Regulation and monitoring.
Essential Readings: 
  • Aggarwal, J. C. (2007). Early Childhood Care and Education: Principles and Practices. Shipra: New Delhi.
  • Arni, K. and Wolf G. (1999). Child Art with Everyday Materials. TARA Publishing. 
  • Mohanty, J. Mohanty, B. (1996). Early childhood care and Education. Deep And Deep Publication, New Delhi.
  • Morrison, G. S. (2003). Fundamentals of early childhood education. Merrill/Prentice Hall: Virginia
  • Singh, A. (1995). Playing to Learn: A training manual for Early Childhood Education. M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation.
  • Swaminathan, M. (1998). The First five Years. Sage Publications.
Academic Year: