Paper Code: 
HCT 424
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To impart the knowledge about preparation of fabric for dyeing & printing.
  2. To understand the theory of dyeing in relation to various classes of dyes.
  3. To study the application of various dyes and properties related to it.
  4. To inculcate awareness of the different methods of printing and appreciate the technical advantages of each.
  5. To develop technical competency in printing with different dyes on different fabrics.



1.   Dyeing of yarns and fabric with different classes of dyes                                                                                       26 Hrs   

  1. Direct, Reactive, Vat, Sulphur, Azo.
  2. Acid, Basic


2.   Preparation of screens for printing and its application.                                                                                         23 Hrs

3.   Printing with blocks and screens on cotton and silk in different styles with different dye class.                                                                                                                                         11 Hrs

  1. Direct style
  2. Resist style
  3. Discharge style


Essential Readings: 
  1. Shenai, V.A., (1987) Chemistry of Dyes and Principles of Dyeing, Sevak Prakashan, Mumbai.
  2. Prayag, R.S., Technology Textile Printing, Noyes Data Corporation.


  1. Lubs, H.A.& Robert, E., The Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes and Pigments, Kreiger Publishing Company, New York.
  2. Shenai, V.A., (1999) Azo Dyes- Facts & Figures, Sevak Prakashan, Mumbai.
  3. Shenai, V.A.,  (1977) Technology of Printing, Technology of Textile Processing, Vol. IV, Sevak Publications.
  4. Gulrajani, M. L. and Gupta, Deepti., (1990) Natural Dyes and their Application to Textilles. Ed.,  I.I.T Delhi Publication.
  5. John & Margarot, Cannon , (1994) Dye Plants & Dyeing, The Herbert Press (UK).
  6. 8.   Venkatraman, K., (1970) Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes, Part I and Part II.


Academic Year: