Paper Code: 
HFN 326
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to :

  1. Understand the  skill in selection of relevant topic for research
  2. Apply the knowledge in  reviewing the existing literature
  3. Understand the different methodology to conduct the research


Course learning Outcomes (COs):


Learning Outcomes

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title







HFN  326







Dissertation Synopsis



The student will be able to –

COFN83: Explore subject related ideas and issues for research


COFN84: Describe the rationale for research


COFN85: Know the methodology and practical aspects of collecting data for research work


COFN86:  Evaluate and select appropriate strategies for analysis and presentation of data


COFN87: Prepare and present a clear and effective laboratory/field appropriate research plan proposal, using appropriate media


Approaches in Teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Mock Activity, Power Point Presentation, Discussion with lectures.

Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, field practicals.

CA test, Semester End Examination, Presentation and communication skills, Successful completion of the oral defence of research plan proposal.




  • Conduction of innovative and fruitful research in various fields of nutrition. It shall include research in fields of community nutrition, clinical nutrition, food processing and technologies, biochemical, biophysical and orgenoleptic assessment of various prevalent as well as under prevalent food sources and products.  It should enrich the existing stock of knowledge related to foods and nutrition to strengthen the normal nutritional pattern of the common people, as well as, at the same time enhance the scale of food processing at all levels.
  • Evaluation (CA): Based on Interaction with the supervisor, attendance, Library work, Internet Browsing and Preparation of the Synopsis.




Academic Year: