Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

1. Familiarize the students with the process of research with focus on foods and nutrition

2. Train the students on all steps of research process from problem identification to data dissemination

3. Develop skills in conducting a research study and learn the process of writing a dissertation thesis

4. Train students to gain an insight into ethics in scientific publication

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




 Dissertation + Research Paper (Practical)


COFN 137: Select an appropriate topic of research and prepare a research plan.

COFN138: Determine the practical aspects of collecting and tabulating the data, and selecting appropriate strategies for its analysis.

COFN139: Categorise the  data and illustrate it using various graphical and other visual methods

COFN 140: Develop proficiency in composing a comprehensive report, creating PowerPoint presentation, and discussing research findings during an interaction with the examiner.



Approach in teaching:


Lectures, Discussions, Self directed: Read journal articles, books to collate information on related  topic


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Presentations, Field work/ experimental work

CA Test, Semester End Examination, Power Point Presentations,

Successful defence of original research work, 

Preparation of a manuscript for submission to a peer-reviewed journal,

plagiarism check and ethical clearance



  • Conduction of innovative and fruitful research in various fields of nutrition. It shall include research in fields of community nutrition, clinical nutrition, food processing and technologies, biochemical, biophysical and organoleptic assessment of various prevalent as well as under prevalent food sources and products.  It should enrich the existing stock of knowledge related to foods and nutrition to strengthen the normal nutritional pattern of the common people, as well as, at the same time enhance the scale of food processing at all levels. At the time of submission of dissertation report, students shall also submit a manuscript of research paper based on the topic of dissertation.



Academic Year: