Counselling Young Children (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to :

·         Understand the meaning, nature and scope of guidance

·         Understand the meaning of and the need for group guidance

·         Appreciate the need for guidance

·         Develop acquaintance with various techniques of group guidance

Become acquainted with the skills and qualities of an effective counselor

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24ECE 332


Counselling Young Children (Theory)


CO38: Support the need of guidance and counselling

CO39: Value the roles, responsibilities and ethical considerations of counsellor.

CO40: Develop the skills for counselling parents of children with special needs.

CO41: Develop strategies       for conducting counselling and therapeutic sessions

CO42: Compare            and formulate          strategies for   applying  different counselling approaches

CO43: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approaches in

Teaching: Lecture & discussion specific to current research in ECCE, Audio visual resources, experiential learning through demonstration Learning activities for the Students:

Self -directed /: Read journal articles, books to collate information on need and rationale of

ECCE, assignments, field practicals.

Quiz. PPT,

Group discussion, Class test focusing on definitions, short notes, match the following, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.


Unit I: 
Introduction to Counselling
  1. Counseling: concept
  2. Types of counseling
  3. Essential of Counsellor
  4. Personality and background of counselor
  5. Ethical aspects of counseling


Unit II: 
Counselling of children
  1. Child in need of care and protect
  2. Abused children
  3. Behavioural  problem child


Unit III: 
Counselling: Major Problems
  1. Children's problems and their Identification- Behavioral Problems, Personality Disorders, Problems such as depression, low self esteem, anxiety etc
  2. Defense mechanisms used by children


Unit IV: 
Counselling Strategies
  1. Counseling strategies to build rapport and client dialogue
    1. Attending and encouraging
    2. Restating
    3. Paraphrasing
    4. Reflecting
    5. Perception checking
    6. Summarizing
  2. Counseling strategies for data gathering
    1. Questioning
    2. Probing
  3. Strategies to add depth and enhance relationship
    1. Self disclosure
    2. Confrontation
    3. Responding to non-verbal Behaviour
    4. Documentation


Unit V: 
Counselling Interview
  1. Counseling interviews: Concept and meaning
    1. Purpose of counseling interviews
    2. Interviewing Behaviour: Verbal and Non-verbal


  1. Interviewing process
  2. Principles for effective interview


Essential Readings: 
  1. Blocher, D.H. ( 2000). Counselling: A Developmental Approach 4th ed.. New York: John Wiley
  2. Gumbiner, J. (2003). Adolescent Assessment. New Jersey: John Wiley
  3. Porter, L. (2003). Young Children’s Behavior: Practical Approaches for Caregivers and Teachers. London: Paul Chapman
  4. Redgrave, K. (2000). Care Therapy for Children. London: Continuum



Suggested Reading

  1. Axline, V. M. (1947). Play therapy. New York: Ballantine Books.
  2. Brammer, L. M. (1985). The helping relationship: Process & skills. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Hackney, H. & Cormier, L. S. (1979).Counseling strategies and objectives. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  3. Thornburg, H.E. (1975). Contemporary Adolescence: Readings. Belmont: Wadsworth. Hetherington, E. M. & Parke, R. D. (1979). Child psychology: A contemporary viewpoint. N.Y.:Mc. Graw Hill




  1. Online Book of IGNOU (MCFT 004) available at


Academic Year: