Paper Code: 
CND 233
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This course will enable the students to:

To plan and prepare diets for patients suffering from various diseases covered in theory

CONTENTS :             

Planning and preparation of diets in the following diseases-

  • GIT Diseases –Peptic ulcers, Ulcerative Colitis
  • Liver disease –Hepatitis, Cirrhosis
  • Heart disease – Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension (with obesity, diabetes) 
  • Pancreatitis
  • Diabetes mellitus (with obesity/hypertension/hyperlipidemia)
  • Diseases of Gall bladder (with obesity)
  • Renal diseases – Glomerulonepheritis, Nephrotic Syndrome
  • Special feeding methods (Market survey of entral, parentral and oral feeds)


Essential Readings: 
  1. Robinson C.H., Lawler M.R. ‘Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition’. Macmillan Publishing Company. 17th Edition. 1986. Khanna K, Gupta S, Passi Jain S, Sethi R , Mahna R and Puri S. Text book of Nutrition and Dietetics Elite Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2005
  2. Khanna K, Gupta S, Passi Jain S, Sethi R , Mahna R and Puri S. Text book of    Nutrition and Dietetics Elite Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2005


  1. Joshi S.A. Nutrition and Dietetics. Tata Mc Graw- Hill Publishing Company Limited. Second Edition. Reprint 2004.
  2. Chatwal G. Dictionary of Foods and Nutrition. Food Nutrition and Dietetics. Himalaya Publishing House. 1999.
  3. Shils, M.E. and Young V.R. (vi edition 1988) Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. Bombay K.M. Varghese Company Whitney E.N and Rolfes S.R. Understanding Nutrition. West/Wadsworth An International Thomson Publishing Company. Eighth Edition. 1999. Insel.P, Ross D, McMahon K and Bernstein M. Nutrition. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, LIC. 2011.
  4. Burtis G, Davis J and Martin S. Applied Nutrition and Diet Therapy. W.B Saunders Company. 1988.
  5. Insel.P, Ross D, McMahon K and Bernstein M. Nutrition. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, LIC. 2011.
  6. Burtis G, Davis J and Martin S. Applied Nutrition and Diet Therapy. W.B Saunders Company. 1988.
  7. Whitney E.N and Rolfes S.R. Understanding Nutrition. West/Wadsworth An International Thomson Publishing Company. Eighth Edition. 1999.
  8. Antia, F.P and Abraham P. Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition. Oxford University Press, Bombay, Fouth  Edition. 1997.
  9. Thomas B and Bishop J. Manual of Dietetic Practice. Blackwell Publishing. Fourth Edition. 2009.
  10. Przytulski and Lutz. Nutrition and Diet Therapy. F.A Davis Company , Philadelphia. 1997.
  11. Passmore, P. and M.A. Eastwook. (1986). Human Nutrition and Dietetics. ELBS, Churchill, Livingstone, 8th Edition
  12. Mahan, L.K. & Ecott-Stump, S. (2000) : Krause’s Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 10th Edition, W.B. Saunders Pvt. Ltd






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