Course Outcomes (CO’s):
Course |
Learning Outcomes (at course level) |
Learning and Teaching Strategies |
Assignment Strategies |
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
HHD 424 |
Children with Disabilities |
Student will– COHD 136: Discuss the basic definition, needs ,problems and classification of special children COHD137:Determine the legislation and policies and programmes for children with special needs. COHD138:Develop knowledge about the definition, causes, classification and assessment of visual , hearing and orthropaedic impairment COHD139:Compare the intellectual ,autism, learning disability and communication disorder in detail. COHD140:Develop familiarity with the education, intervention and collaborative approach towards inclusion. |
Approaches in Teaching: Lecture on etiology and diagnosis, , Mock Activity, Power Point Presentation, Discussion with lectures.
Learning activities for the Students: Self learning assignments, field practicals, Examine select readings on disabilities, Invited expert speakers on select disabilities |
Quiz. PPT, Group projects, Preparing teaching learning aids for CWD Documenting adaptations for CWD in inclusive set upsassignments, CA test , Semester End Examination. |