Child Development

Paper Code: 
ECE 131
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the student to-

  • orient students to the field of Child Development, its nature and scope.
  • develop the knowledge base and understanding of basic concepts in Child Development.
  • understand methods of studying children.
  • understand nutritional needs of children
Unit I: 
Introduction to Child Development
  1. Child Development- Meaning, scope & importance of study.
  2. Growth & development- Meaning & Principles, Maturation & Learning.
  3. Aspects of Development –Brief introduction.
  4. Heredity and environment- Role of genetic and environmental factor in development of child.
  5. Role of Parents, Home, School, Community & Mass Media in the Development of child.
  6. Stages of child development (from Conception to 6yrs.) Rate of developmental Norms, Milestones Needs of Children.
Unit II: 
Stages of development- Upto Early Childhood

Prenatal development:

  • Brief understanding of prenatal Growth and Factors influencing prenatal development
  • Importance of maternal health during prenatal period.

b) Neonatal Development:

  • Care of new born
  • Physical changes -Changes in Height, weight & Body proportion.
  • Adjustments, Reflex actions
  • Early sensory capabilities, seeing, visual perception, hearing, smelling, tasting, temperature, touch and pain.
  • Breast feeding,  feeding practices, developing trust, attachment and well-being

Immunization and hygiene

Unit III: 
Aspects of Child Development & their inter-relationship. (upto six years )
  1. Physical Development-Development & different parts, height &weight, milestones & sex difference in physical development.
  2. Motor Development-Meaning, Gross &Finer Motor Skills, handedness, role of play in physical & Motor Development. , Factors affecting Physical & Motor Development.
  3. Socio Emotional Development – Characteristics, Patterns & Factors affecting Socio Emotional Development. Important emotions Of Childhood, Common Emotional Problems of Children & their Psychological Handling. Personal & Social Development-Form of Behavior, Pattern & Factors. Helping Children adjust to social world around (Family, School, Community ).
  4. Child rearing styles and impact on children: Authoritative; Authoritarian; Democratic; Permissive; Uninvolved.
Unit IV: 
Cognitive and Language Development
  1. Cognitive Development - Stages of cognitive development with brief description of Piaget Theory, Development of cognitive skills, memory, thinking , reasoning & problem solving , Concept formation- meaning, characteristics and process of concept formation
  2. Development of Creativity-Meaning & Importance, value of interpretation of Children’s art.
  3. Language Development – Stages of Language Development
  • Pre speech forms
  • Speech-Telegraphic speech, single sentence.
  • Ego centric to socio centric speech.
  • Passive & Active Vocabulary.
  • Factors in language development- Imitation, reinforcement. Biogenic &socio-genic factors.
  • Development of language skills – Listening, speaking, reading & writing.
Unit V: 
Methods &Behavioural concerns

1. Methods of Child Development


  • Observation
  • Case Study
  • Interview
  • Questionnaire
  1. Checklist

2. Common Behavioral Concerns in Early Childhood - Symptoms and their remedies

a)  Thumb sucking

b)  Bedwetting

c)  Nail biting

d)  Temper tantrums

e)  Aggression

f)  Shyness

g)  Hyperactivity

h)  Destructiveness

Essential Readings: 
  1. Hurlock, E.B., Child Development McGraw Hill, New York 1988.
  2. Benjamin Spock Baby and Child care Mass Market Paperback::Pocket Books; 9th Edition (27 December 2011)
  3. Mittal, S (2004). Child development. Delhi: Children and the media, Vols. 1-3; Delhi: Isha books.
  4. Gosh, S. The feeling and care of infants and young children UNICEF, New Delhi 1976
  5. Sharma, S.P. (2006). Child development. Delhi: Visit International publishing house.
  6. Berk, L. (2006). Child development. New York: Allyn& Bacon
  7. Newman and Newman, Infancy and childhood-Development and its context.john Wiley,1978.
  8. Illingsworth,R.S. The development of the Infant and Young child.Churchill and Livingstone,1975.
  9. Santrock. (2006). Child Development. New York: McGraw- Hill.
  10. Srivastava, A. (1990). Child development,. New Delhi: NCERT.


Academic Year: